diff --git a/edit-context/README.md b/edit-context/README.md
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index 00000000..c0ed2008
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+++ b/edit-context/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+# EditContext API demos
+This folder contains demos for the [EditContext API](https://developer.mozilla.org/docs/Web/API/EditContext_API).
+## Demos
+* **HTML Editor**: [Source code](https://github.com/mdn/dom-examples/tree/main/edit-context/html-editor) | [Live demo](https://mdn.github.io/dom-examples/edit-context/html-editor)
+ This demo shows how to use the EditContext API to create a simple HTML editor. It's used in [Using the EditContext API](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/EditContext_API/Guide) tutorial.
diff --git a/edit-context/html-editor/index.html b/edit-context/html-editor/index.html
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index 00000000..2c6fb6a5
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+++ b/edit-context/html-editor/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1,501 @@
+ Edit Context API: HTML editor demo
+ Debug
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/edit-context/html-editor/tokenizer.js b/edit-context/html-editor/tokenizer.js
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index 00000000..2f9fd1ff
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+++ b/edit-context/html-editor/tokenizer.js
@@ -0,0 +1,194 @@
+const WHITESPACE = [" ", "\n", "\t"];
+function getOpenTagName(htmlString, pos) {
+ let tagName = "";
+ let char = htmlString.charAt(pos);
+ while (char !== ">" && char !== " " && char !== "/" && char !== "") {
+ tagName += char;
+ char = htmlString.charAt(++pos);
+ }
+ return tagName;
+function getCloseTagName(htmlString, pos) {
+ let tagName = "";
+ let char = htmlString.charAt(pos);
+ while (char !== ">" && char !== "") {
+ tagName += char;
+ char = htmlString.charAt(++pos);
+ }
+ return tagName;
+function getWhiteSpace(htmlString, pos) {
+ let whitespace = "";
+ let char = htmlString.charAt(pos);
+ while (WHITESPACE.includes(char) && char !== "") {
+ whitespace += char;
+ char = htmlString.charAt(++pos);
+ }
+ return whitespace;
+function getAttributeName(htmlString, pos) {
+ let attributeName = "";
+ let char = htmlString.charAt(pos);
+ while (char !== "=" && char !== " " && char !== ">" && char !== "") {
+ attributeName += char;
+ char = htmlString.charAt(++pos);
+ }
+ return attributeName;
+function getAttributeValue(htmlString, pos, quote) {
+ let attributeValue = "";
+ let char = htmlString.charAt(pos);
+ const isAtEnd = (c) => {
+ if (quote) {
+ return c === quote || c === "";
+ }
+ return c === " " || c === ">" || c === "/" || c === "";
+ };
+ while (!isAtEnd(char)) {
+ attributeValue += char;
+ char = htmlString.charAt(++pos);
+ }
+ return attributeValue;
+function getText(htmlString, pos) {
+ let text = "";
+ let char = htmlString.charAt(pos);
+ while (char !== "<" && char !== "") {
+ text += char;
+ char = htmlString.charAt(++pos);
+ }
+ return text;
+export function tokenizeHTML(htmlString) {
+ let pos = 0;
+ let isInTag = false;
+ let isInAttribute = false;
+ let isAfterAttributeEqual = false;
+ const tokens = [];
+ while (pos < htmlString.length) {
+ const char = htmlString.charAt(pos);
+ const nextChar = htmlString.charAt(pos + 1);
+ if (char === "<" && nextChar !== "/" && !isInTag && !isInAttribute) {
+ isInTag = true;
+ tokens.push({ type: "openTagStart", value: "<", pos });
+ pos++;
+ const tagName = getOpenTagName(htmlString, pos);
+ tokens.push({ type: "tagName", value: tagName, pos });
+ pos += tagName.length;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (WHITESPACE.includes(char) && isInTag) {
+ const whitespace = getWhiteSpace(htmlString, pos);
+ tokens.push({ type: "whitespace", value: whitespace, pos });
+ pos += whitespace.length;
+ isInAttribute = false;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (char === ">" && isInTag && !isInAttribute) {
+ isInTag = false;
+ tokens.push({ type: "openTagEnd", value: ">", pos });
+ pos++;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (isInTag && !isInAttribute && char === "/" && nextChar === ">") {
+ isInTag = false;
+ tokens.push({ type: "selfClose", value: "/>", pos });
+ pos += 2;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (isInTag && !isInAttribute) {
+ isInAttribute = true;
+ const attributeName = getAttributeName(htmlString, pos);
+ tokens.push({ type: "attributeName", value: attributeName, pos });
+ pos += attributeName.length;
+ if (htmlString.charAt(pos) !== "=" && htmlString.charAt(pos) !== "'" && htmlString.charAt(pos) !== '"') {
+ isInAttribute = false;
+ }
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (char === "=" && isInAttribute && isInTag) {
+ isAfterAttributeEqual = true;
+ tokens.push({ type: "equal", value: "=", pos });
+ pos++;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (isAfterAttributeEqual && isInAttribute && isInTag) {
+ const hasQuote = char === "'" || char === '"';
+ const quote = hasQuote ? char : "";
+ if (hasQuote) {
+ tokens.push({ type: "quoteStart", value: quote, pos });
+ pos++;
+ }
+ const attributeValue = getAttributeValue(htmlString, pos, quote);
+ tokens.push({ type: "attributeValue", value: attributeValue, pos });
+ pos += attributeValue.length;
+ if (hasQuote && htmlString.charAt(pos) === quote) {
+ tokens.push({ type: "quoteEnd", value: quote, pos });
+ pos++;
+ }
+ isInAttribute = false;
+ isAfterAttributeEqual = false;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (!isInTag && char === "<" && nextChar === "/") {
+ tokens.push({ type: "closeTagStart", value: "", pos });
+ pos += 2;
+ const tagName = getCloseTagName(htmlString, pos);
+ tokens.push({ type: "tagName", value: tagName, pos });
+ pos += tagName.length;
+ if (htmlString.charAt(pos) === ">") {
+ tokens.push({ type: "closeTagEnd", value: ">", pos });
+ pos++;
+ }
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (!isInTag) {
+ const text = getText(htmlString, pos);
+ tokens.push({ type: "text", value: text, pos });
+ pos += text.length;
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ return tokens;