React native demo application that integrated with Github V3 APIs. This project can be used as a clear, clean and well-designed react native boilerplate.
- Login into your Github account(Basic Authentication)
- Show repository commits list
Here is list of some libraries that have used in the project:
- lottie-react-native - show animations that are designed with Adobe Air
- moment - format dates and times.
- react-native - great library to build mobile apps!
- react-native-elements - cross Platform React Native UI Toolkit
- redux - a predictable state container for JavaScript apps.
- react-native-router-flux - the first declarative React Native router
This application requires React-Native v0.60.5 to run.
Install the dependencies and devDependencies and start the server.
$ git clone https://github.com/mdeveloper20/reactGithubClient.git
$ cd reactGithubClient
$ npm install
$ react-native run-android or run-ios
Want to contribute? Great!
In our project we have some TODOs that need your help.
- Commits pagination
- Show commit detai