A simplified Telegraf plugin to provide users with a great interface.
You need to have telegraf installed on your project to use that plugin.
$ npm install telegraf
$ yarn add telegraf
See offical guide for more info. Once you have installed telegraf in your project, you can use telegraf-pagination.
Run one of these commands depending on what package manager you're using:
$ npm install telegraf-pagination
$ yarn add telegraf-pagination
Default mode
const { Pagination } = require('telegraf-pagination');
let data = [...]; // define data as an array
bot.start(async ctx => {
let pagination = new Pagination({ data });
let text = await pagination.text();
let keyboard = await pagination.keyboard();
ctx.reply(text, keyboard);
Lazy mode
const { Pagination } = require('telegraf-pagination');
let data = [...]; // define data as an array
bot.start(async ctx => {
let pagination = new Pagination({
lazy: true, // switch lazy mode on
data: (page, size) => data.slice((page-1)*size, page*size), // callback that returns items of the page. Can be asynchronous
total: data.length // optional. can be useful when generating a header
let text = await pagination.text();
let keyboard = await pagination.keyboard();
ctx.reply(text, keyboard);
const { Markup, Telegraf } = require("telegraf");
const { Pagination } = require("telegraf-pagination");
const bot = new Telegraf(TOKEN);
let fakeData = Array(10)
.map((_, i) => ({
id: i,
title: `Item ${i + 1}`,
bot.command("pagination", (ctx) => {
const pagination = new Pagination({
data: fakeData, // array of items
header: (currentPage, pageSize, total) =>
`${currentPage}-page of total ${total}`, // optional. Default value: ๐
// `Items ${(currentPage - 1) * pageSize + 1 }-${currentPage * pageSize <= total ? currentPage * pageSize : total} of ${total}`;
format: (item, index) => `${index + 1}. ${item.title}`, // optional. Default value: ๐
// `${index + 1}. ${item}`;
pageSize: 8, // optional. Default value: 10
rowSize: 4, // optional. Default value: 5 (maximum 8)
isButtonMode: false, // optional. Default value: false. Allows you to display names on buttons (there is support for associative arrays)
buttonModeOptions: {
isSimpleArray: true, // optional. Default value: true. Enables/disables support for associative arrays
titleKey: '' // optional. Default value: null. If the associative mode is enabled (isSimply: false), determines by which key the title for the button will be taken.
isEnabledDeleteButton: true, // optional. Default value: true
onSelect: (item, index) => {
}, // optional. Default value: empty function
messages: {
// optional
firstPage: "First page", // optional. Default value: "โ๏ธ That's the first page"
lastPage: "Last page", // optional. Default value: "โ๏ธ That's the last page"
prev: "โ๏ธ", // optional. Default value: "โฌ
next: "โถ๏ธ", // optional. Default value: "โก๏ธ"
delete: "๐", // optional. Default value: "โ"
inlineCustomButtons: [
Markup.button.callback('Title custom button', 'your_callback_name')
] // optional. Default value: null
pagination.handleActions(bot); // pass bot or scene instance as a parameter
let text = await pagination.text(); // get pagination text
let keyboard = await pagination.keyboard(); // get pagination keyboard
ctx.replyWithHTML(text, keyboard);
bot.launch().then(() => {
console.log("Bot is running");
Please read CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md for details on our code of conduct. Feel free to submit any pull request.
We use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.
- Alisher Ortiqov - Initial work - mcpebloker
See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details