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Train an AWD-LSTM to generate piano or violin/piano music
Project structure overview is here.
Sample generations are here.
Detailed paper is here.


  • PyTorch version 0.3.0.post4
  • FastAI
  • GeneralUser: install in data folder (this is needed to translate midi files to mp3)
Note: From inside the musical-neural-net home directory, run:
ln -s ./replace/this/with/your/path/to/fastai/library fastai 

to create a symbolic link to the fastai library.


To create generations with a pretrained notewise model, using only the default settings, run:
python --example
python -model notewise_generator -output notewise_generation_samples

The output samples will be in data/output/notewise_generation_samples, or open Playlist.ipynb (as a Jupyter Notebook) to listen to the output samples.

Note, you must first make sure the requirements (above) are installed.


If you use your own midi files, they should go in data/composers/midi/piano_solo or data/composers/midi/chamber (the project expects to see a folder of midi files for each composer, ie: data/composers/midi/piano_solo/bach/example_piece.mid).



to translate midi files to text files in the various notewise and chordwise options.

My dataset is available here (you can download any or all):
Put these in data/composers/notewise:

Put these in data/composers/notewise: (Run tar -zxvf .tar.gz to expand each one.)

Training and Generation:

  • - create the training and testing datasets (adjust notewise/chordwise, optionally create only a small sample size)
  • - train an AWD-LSTM (adjust model parameters, dropout, and training regime)
  • - generate new samples (adjust generation size)
Each script has default settings which should be reasonable, but use --help to see the different options and parameters which can be modified.
Playlist.ipynb is a simple Jupyter Notebook which creates a nicely formatted playlist for listening to all the generations.

Music Critic:

  • - create the training and test datasests (requires a trained generation model to create the fake data)
  • - trains a classifier to predict if a sample is human-composed or LSTM-composed

Composer Classifier:

  • - create the training and test datasests (all from human composed pieces)
  • - trains a classifier to predict which human composed the piece

Pretrained Models:

Sample pretrained models are included in this repository. They were trained using the default settings (all composers, notewise using a sample frequency 12, chordwise using a sample frequency 4).
  • notewise_generator: ` python -model notewise_generator -output notewise_generation_samples `
  • chordwise_generator
  • chamber_generator (uses notewise encoding)
  • notewise_critic and chordwise_critic
  • notewise_composer_classifier and chordwise_composer_classifier