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A personal script I like to use to really quickly setup a new enciroment.


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Development Environment Setup Script

This script provides an automated way to set up a comprehensive development environment on macOS. It installs essential development tools, code editors, and a variety of useful plugins and utilities.


  • Homebrew Installation: Installs Homebrew if it's not already installed.
  • Whiptail Installation: Installs whiptail for interactive dialogs.
  • Code Editor Selection: Allows you to choose between installing Visual Studio Code or Neovim.
  • Neovim Configuration: Configures Neovim with a wide range of popular plugins.
  • Visual Studio Code Extensions: Installs useful VSCode extensions.
  • Additional Tools: Installs a selection of useful tools and utilities.
  • Interactive User Prompts: Asks users for their preferences and options during setup.
  • Progress Animation: Displays a professional start screen and progress animation.


  • macOS: The script is designed to run on macOS.
  • Internet Connection: Required for downloading and installing packages.


  1. Clone the Repository

    Clone the repository to your local machine using Git:

    git clone
    cd setup-dev-env
  2. Make the Script Executable

    Change the permissions of the script to make it executable:

    chmod +x
  3. Run the Script

    Execute the script to start the setup process:


    Follow the prompts to choose your preferred code editor, plugins, and additional tools.

Interactive Options

  • Code Editor: Choose between Visual Studio Code and Neovim.
  • Neovim Plugins: Select from a wide range of Neovim plugins to install.
  • Additional Tools: Select from various additional tools like iTerm2, Postman, Slack, and more.

Available Plugins

The script includes support for many popular Neovim plugins:

  • vim-plug: Plugin manager for Neovim
  • NERDTree: File explorer
  • vim-airline: Status line
  • fzf: Command-line fuzzy finder
  • coc.nvim: Intelligent autocompletion
  • lightline.vim: Lightweight status line
  • ale: Asynchronous linting and fixing
  • nerdcommenter: Commenting tool
  • vim-gitgutter: Git diff indicators
  • surround: Surround text objects
  • auto-pairs: Automatically insert closing pairs
  • ctrlp.vim: Fuzzy file finder
  • vim-fugitive: Git wrapper
  • vim-startify: Start screen with recent files
  • telescope.nvim: Fuzzy finder with preview
  • coc-python: Python autocompletion and linting
  • coc-tsserver: TypeScript and JavaScript autocompletion
  • vim-test: Testing framework
  • vim-surround: Manage surrounding characters
  • vim-multiple-cursors: Support for multiple cursors
  • vim-rails: Rails integration
  • vim-commentary: Easier commenting
  • indent-blankline: Indentation guides
  • startify: Start screen for Vim


This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.


Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit a pull request or open an issue if you have suggestions or improvements.


For any questions or issues, please contact

Happy coding!


  • Replace with the actual URL of your GitHub repository.
  • Update the email address in the Contact section with your actual email.


A personal script I like to use to really quickly setup a new enciroment.








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