Tools, custom attributes, drawers, hierarchy overlay, and other extensions for the Unity Editor.
Barracuda Starter Kit project. Selected tutorials and documentation for Unity Barracuda project.
Fast pairwise nearest neighbor based algorithm with C# console
Marching Cubes terrain implementation in Unity using the Job System and the Burst compiler
An implementation in Unity of the Quickhull algorithm for generating 3D convex hulls
code for *Learning and Exploring Motor Skills with Spacetime Bounds*
Unity package for cars using wheelcolliders
Unity.Physics vs Havok vs PhysX vs Box2D
Replacement for U4 wheel collider, geared for use in KSP.
Add buttons to your inspector in Unity super easily with this simple attribute
A bezier spline solution for Unity 3D with some utility functions (like travelling the spline with constant speed/time)
Unity's standard shader with triplanar mapping
Camera effect for use in Unity with PostProcessingStackV2
The Mayan Adventure is an open-source reinforcement learning environment for Unity ML-Agents. In this environment, you train your agent (Indie) to find the golden statue in this dangerous environme…
A raymarcher with working unity physics and fractals
Create Icosahedron Sphere and UV Sphere in one click in Unity.
Arcade Car Physics - Vehicle Simulation for Unity3D
Machine learning is used to search for signals of transiting exoplanets in planetary search surveys (e.g. Kepler and TESS).
A deep conv. variational autoencoder is trained on digital terrain maps of Mars from HiRise/MRO. 3D surfaces are procedurally generated from the latent space in Unity
C# Yolo Darknet Wrapper (real-time object detection)
A curated list of awesome Unity assets, resources, and more.