The tutorial aims to display you how to build a simple eCommerce App that you can customize for your projects. It is designed using Flutter and Firebase as a backend. In addition, it allows you to easily process payments using Stripe. The code in the repository is the starter code for the eCommerce App with Flutter, Firebase and Stripe. It will help you to follow along the video:
- YouTube video:
These screenshots represent the final eCommerce App template that is available for purchase at: coming soon
Home Screen | Categories Screen | Catalog Screen |
Cart Screen | Checkout Screen | Product Screen |
User Account Screen | Register Screen | Login Screen |
The template gives you a starting point for your e-commerce app project. However, before running the app, there are a few steps you need to take to ensure the app runs smoothly.
The template uses Firebase for Authentication, database and as well to run serverless backend logic with Cloud Functions.
- Create a Firebase Project: Head to the Firebase Console and create a new project
- Initialize Firebase Auth and enable the 'Email and Password' provider.
- Initialize a new database with Cloud Firestore
- Initialize Firebase in your app:
The templates uses Stripe to handle all the payment processing needs. To integrate Stripe:
- Create an account at
- Get the Stripe Publishable Key and the Secret Key: (for test)
- Add your Stripe Publishable Key as an environment variable in the .env file
- Go in the .example.env, rename it to .env
- Add the value of your Publishable Key.
- Use the envied library to generate the file 'lib/env.g.dart':
dart run build_runner build
Go to your Google Cloud Project (it gets created by default as you create a new Firebase project), and register the Stripe secret key with Secret Manager
- Go to API & Services, click on "Enable APIs and Services" and enable the Secret Manager API
- Open Secret Manager in your Google Cloud Project
- Create a new Secret with name equal to 'STRIPE_SECRET_KEY' and the Secret Key from Stripe as value
Set up the flutter_stripe library in your project.
- There are platform specific changes to implement:
- Watch the video tutorial:
The template uses Cloud Functions on Firebase (with Python) to run the backend logic for the payments.
- Using the Firebase CLI, run:
firebase init functions
- Select your Firebase project
- Select Python as a language for the functions
- Use the script below for your
import stripe
from firebase_functions import https_fn
from firebase_admin import initialize_app
# TODO: Use Secret Manager to safely store and access the Stripe Secret Key
app = initialize_app()
def stripe_pay_endpoint_method_id(req: https_fn.Request) -> https_fn.Response:
print(req.method, req.get_json())
if req.method != "POST":
return https_fn.Response(status=403, response="Forbidden")
data = req.get_json()
payment_method_id = data.get('paymentMethodId')
items = data.get('items')
currency = data.get('currency')
use_stripe_sdk = data.get('useStripeSdk')
# TODO: Calculate the total price
# You should always calculate the order total on the server to prevent
# people from directly manipulating the amount on the client
total = 1400
if payment_method_id:
params = {
'payment_method': payment_method_id,
'amount': total,
'currency': currency,
'confirm': True,
'use_stripe_sdk': use_stripe_sdk,
'automatic_payment_methods': {
'enabled': True,
'allow_redirects': 'never',
intent = stripe.PaymentIntent.create(api_key=STRIPE_SECRET_KEY, **params)
# return https_fn.Response(status=200, response=intent)
return _generate_response(intent)
return https_fn.Response(status=400, response="Bad request")
except Exception as e:
return https_fn.Response(status=500, response=str(e))
# @https_fn.on_request()
# def stripe_pay_endpoint_intent_id(req: https_fn.Request) -> https_fn.Response:
# return ...
def _generate_response(intent):
if intent.status == "requires_action":
return {
"clientSecret": intent.client_secret,
"requiresAction": True,
"status": intent.status,
elif intent.status == "requires_payment_method":
return {"error": "Your card was denied, please provide a new payment method"}
elif intent.status == "succeeded":
print("💰 Payment received!")
return {"clientSecret": intent.client_secret, "status": intent.status}
return {"error": "Failed"}
- Add Stripe as a dependency to your project
cd functions
# Start the virtual environment for the functions
source venv/bin/activate
# Add the dependency
pip install stripe
# Update the list of dependencies in the requirements.txt
pip freeze > requirements.txt
# Close the virtual environment
- Deploy the functions to Firebase
firebase deploy --only functions
- Get the function endpoint URL from Firebase. Use your Cloud Function's URLs in the payment client
// TODO: Add your Cloud Functions URLs here
The eCommerce loads the categories' data using a Data Bundle. The Cloud Firestore data are exported into a static data file using the Firestore Bundle Builder extension.
- Install the extension into your Firebase project:
- Watch the video tutorial:
- Get the function endpoint URL from Firebase. Use the Cloud Function's URLs to retrieve the static file in the categories repository
Future<List<Category>> fetchCategories() async {
try {
final categoriesData = await dbClient.fetchAllFromBundle(
collection: 'categories',
// TODO: Add your bundle URL here
bundleUrl: '...',
return categoriesData
.map<Category>((categoryData) =>
Category.fromJson(, id:
} catch (err) {
throw Exception('Failed to fetch the categories: $err');