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Behavior Path Planner

Purpose / Use cases

The behavior_path_planner module is responsible to generate

  1. path based on the traffic situation,
  2. drivable area that the vehicle can move (defined in the path msg),
  3. turn signal command to be sent to the vehicle interface.


Scene modules design

Support modules

Behavior path planner has following scene modules.

Name Description Details
Lane Following this module generates reference path from lanelet centerline. LINK
Avoidance this module generates avoidance path when there is objects that should be avoid. LINK
Avoidance By LC this module generates lane change path when there is objects that should be avoid. LINK
Lane Change this module is performed when it is necessary and a collision check with other vehicles is cleared. LINK
External Lane Change WIP LINK
Goal Planner this module is performed when ego-vehicle is in the road lane and goal is in the shoulder lane. ego-vehicle will stop at the goal. LINK
Pull Out this module is performed when ego-vehicle is stationary and footprint of ego-vehicle is included in shoulder lane. This module ends when ego-vehicle merges into the road. LINK
Side Shift (for remote control) shift the path to left or right according to an external instruction. LINK


All scene modules are implemented by inheriting base class scene_module_interface.hpp.

How to implement new module?


Manager design

The role of manager is to launch the appropriate scene module according to the situation. (e.g. if there is parked-vehicle in ego's driving lane, the manager launches the avoidance module.)

Now, it is able to select two managers with different architecture.

Name Description Details
Behavior Tree based manager (default) this manager launches scene modules based on Behavior Tree. all scene modules run exclusively. LINK(WIP)
BT-free manager (unstable) this manager is developed in order to achieve complex scenario, and launches scene modules without Behavior Tree. multiple modules can run simultaneously on this manager. LINK

The manager is switched by flag COMPILE_WITH_OLD_ARCHITECTURE in CmakeLists.txt of behavior_path_planner package. Please set the flag FALSE if you try to use BT-free manager.

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.14)

find_package(autoware_cmake REQUIRED)

find_package(OpenCV REQUIRED)
find_package(magic_enum CONFIG REQUIRED)



What is the Behavior Tree?: In the behavior path planner, the behavior tree mechanism is used to manage which modules are activated in which situations. In general, this "behavior manager" like function is expected to become bigger as more and more modules are added in the future. To improve maintainability, we adopted the behavior tree. The behavior tree has the following advantages: easy visualization, easy configuration management (behaviors can be changed by replacing configuration files), and high scalability compared to the state machine.

The current behavior tree structure is shown below. Each modules (LaneChange, Avoidance, etc) have Request, Ready, and Plan nodes as a common function.

  • Request: Check if there is a request from the module (e.g. LaneChange has a request when there are multi-lanes and the vehicle is not on the preferred lane),
  • Ready: Check if it is safe to execute the plan (e.g. LaneChange is ready when the lane_change path does not have any conflicts with other dynamic objects on S-T space).
  • Plan: Calculates path and set it to the output of the BehaviorTree. Until the internal status returns SUCCESS, it will be in running state and will not transit to another module.
  • ForceApproval: A lane change-specific node that overrides the result of Ready when a forced lane change command is given externally.


Inputs / Outputs / API


Name Type Description
~/input/path autoware_auto_planning_msgs::msg::PathWithLaneId the path generated by modules.
~/input/path_candidate autoware_auto_planning_msgs::msg::Path the path the module is about to take. to be executed as soon as external approval is obtained.
~/input/turn_indicators_cmd autoware_auto_vehicle_msgs::msg::TurnIndicatorsCommand turn indicators command.
~/input/hazard_lights_cmd tier4_planning_msgs::msg::PathChangeModuleArray hazard lights command.
~/input/ready_module tier4_planning_msgs::msg::PathChangeModule (for remote control) modules that are ready to be executed.
~/input/running_modules tier4_planning_msgs::msg::PathChangeModuleArray (for remote control) current running module.


Name Type Description
~/input/route autoware_auto_mapping_msgs::msg::LaneletRoute current route from start to goal.
~/input/vector_map autoware_auto_mapping_msgs::msg::HADMapBin map information.
~/input/objects autoware_auto_perception_msgs::msg::PredictedObjects dynamic objects from perception module.
~/input/occupancy_grid_map/map nav_msgs::msg::OccupancyGrid occupancy grid map from perception module. This is used for only Goal Planner module.
~/input/kinematic_state nav_msgs::msg::Odometry for ego velocity.

General features of behavior path planner

Drivable area generation logic

The behavior path planner generates drivable area that is defined in autoware_auto_planning_msgs::msg::PathWithLaneId and autoware_auto_planning_msgs::msg::Path messages as:

std::vector<geometry_msgs::msg::Point> left_bound;
std::vector<geometry_msgs::msg::Point> right_bound;

Optionally, the drivable area can be expanded by a static distance. Expansion parameters are defined for each module of the behavior_path_planner and should be prefixed accordingly (see config/drivable_area_expansion.yaml for an example).

Name Unit Type Description Default value
drivable_area_right_bound_offset [m] double expansion distance of the right bound 0.0
drivable_area_right_bound_offset [m] double expansion distance of the left bound 0.0
drivable_area_types_to_skip list of strings types of linestrings that are not expanded [road_border]

Click here for details.

Turn signal decision logic

The behavior path planner outputs turn signal information as autoware_auto_vehicle_msgs::msg::TurnIndicatorsCommand. It uses rule-based algorithm to determine blinkers.

module autoware_auto_vehicle_msgs {
  module msg {
    module TurnIndicatorsCommand_Constants {
      const uint8 NO_COMMAND = 0;
      const uint8 DISABLE = 1;
      const uint8 ENABLE_LEFT = 2;
      const uint8 ENABLE_RIGHT = 3;

    @verbatim (language="comment", text=
    " Command for controlling turn indicators.")

    struct TurnIndicatorsCommand {
      builtin_interfaces::msg::Time stamp;

      @default (value=0)
      uint8 command;

Click here for details.

Shifted path generation logic

Some modules have to generate shifted path from reference path, then shift path generation logic is implemented as library path shifter. path shifter takes a reference path and shift lines and output a shifted path.

struct ShiftLine
  Pose start{};  // shift start point in absolute coordinate
  Pose end{};    // shift start point in absolute coordinate

  // relative shift length at the start point related to the reference path
  double start_shift_length{};

  // relative shift length at the end point related to the reference path
  double end_shift_length{};

  size_t start_idx{};  // associated start-point index for the reference path
  size_t end_idx{};    // associated end-point index for the reference path

Click here for details.

References / External links

This module depends on the external BehaviorTreeCpp library.

[1] H. Vorobieva, S. Glaser, N. Minoiu-Enache, and S. Mammar, “Geometric path planning for automatic parallel parking in tiny spots”, IFAC Proceedings Volumes, vol. 45, no. 24, pp. 36–42, 2012.

Future extensions / Unimplemented parts

Related issues