Current Version: 2.0.beta
SproutCore Touch lays the groundwork for a comprehensive touch and gesture system that sits on top of SproutCore 2.0.
Along with providing support for custom gesture recognizers, SproutCore Touch ships with some pre-built gestures: Pinch, Pan, and Tap.
Consult the gesture.js file for instructions on building your own gestures as well as using the built-in one.
Download the SproutCore Touch Starter Kit
Unzip and open the kit in your favourite editor
Open lib/main.js and add the following code:
spade.require('sproutcore-touch'); var MyApp = SC.Application.create(); MyApp.MyView = SC.View.extend({ pinchChange: function(recognizer) { this.$().css('-webkit-transform','scale3d('+recognizer.get('scale')+','+recognizer.get('scale')+',1)'); } }); MyApp.MyView.create({ elementId: 'test-view' }).append();
This code snippet will create a pinchable view and append it to your document.
Open css/main.css and add the following styles:
#test-view { width:500px; height:500px; background-color: red; }
This simply makes our custom view visible
- Open the iOS Simulator and try pinching the red box
Install Ruby 1.9.2. There are many resources on the web can help; one of the best is rvm.
gem install bpm --pre
to install bpm, the browser package manager. -
To start the development server, run
bpm preview
Then visit: