Sproutcore/Ember Touch lays the groundwork for a comprehensive touch and gesture system that sits on top of EmberJS.
Along with providing support for custom gesture recognizers, Ember Touch ships with some pre-built gestures: Pinch, Pan, Tap, TouchHold and Press.
Consult the gesture.js file for instructions on building your own gestures as well as using the built-in one.
- Import the project.
You can execute rake dist command to build ember-touch.js in the dist folder to be imported.
Or clone the project to your Ember App and use your build tools ( ex: rake-pipeline ).
Add gesture support to your views just by adding specific methods ( tapEnd, touchHoldStart, touchHoldEnd....)
Tests your views on multi touch devices or qunit.
You can run your tests against multiple Ember Versions:
- ( default )
- 1.0.pre
Run the server: bundle exec rackup
To run/check the unit test output, open:
Look at the current Wiki.
Please, open an issue.