- Authors: Maurice Quach, Giuseppe Valenzise and Frederic Dufaux
- Affiliation: Université Paris-Saclay, CNRS, CentraleSupélec, Laboratoire des signaux et systèmes, 91190 Gif-sur-Yvette, France
- Funding: ANR ReVeRy national fund (REVERY ANR-17-CE23-0020)
- Links: [Paper]
Please feel free to contact me at maurice.quach /at/ l2s.centralesupelec.fr for discussions or questions.
We provide the full experimental data used for the paper. This includes:
- In
, all trained models - In
, bitrates and objective metric values for all models, point clouds and metrics (D1/D2) - Compressed and decompressed point clouds for all models (c1 to c6, G-PCC trisoup, G-PCC octree)
- Python 3.6.9
- Tensorflow 1.15.0 with CUDA 10.0.130 and cuDNN 7.4.2
- tensorflow-compression 1.3
- MPEG G-PCC codec mpeg-pcc-tmc13: necessary only to compare results with G-PCC,
to obtain more recent versions you need to register on the MPEG Gitlab and request the permissions for
- MPEG metric software v0.12.3 mpeg-pcc-dmetric:
available on the MPEG Gitlab, you need to register and request the permissions for
- MPEG PCC dataset: refer to Common Test Conditions (CTCs) to download the full dataset, you can also get some point clouds from JPEG Pleno.
- packages in
Note 1: using a Linux distribution such as Ubuntu is highly recommended
Note 2: CTCs can be found at wg11.sc29.org in
All Meetings > Latest Meeting > Output documents "Common test conditions for point cloud compression".
For example, "Common test conditions for PCC", in ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11 MPEG output document N19324 is in the Alpbach meeting 130.
Adapt the configurations in ev_experiment.yml
to your particular setup:
: G-PCC folder (mpeg-pcc-tmc13
: Path to training datasetTRAIN_RESOLUTION
: Resolution of the training datasetEXPERIMENT_DIR
: Experiment folder, all results are saved in this folder, it needs to be created manually
The dataset is available in the Git repository as ModelNet40_200_pc512_oct3_4k.zip
. If you want to reproduce it, steps are provided below.
First, download the ModelNet40 manually aligned dataset: http://modelnet.cs.princeton.edu.
Then, we generate the training dataset specified in our paper (block size 64) with the following commands:
python ds_select_largest.py ~/data/datasets/ModelNet40 ~/data/datasets/pcc_geo_cnn_v2/ModelNet40_200 200
python ds_mesh_to_pc.py ~/data/datasets/pcc_geo_cnn_v2/ModelNet40_200 ~/data/datasets/pcc_geo_cnn_v2/ModelNet40_200_pc512 --vg_size 512
python ds_pc_octree_blocks.py ~/data/datasets/pcc_geo_cnn_v2/ModelNet40_200_pc512 ~/data/datasets/pcc_geo_cnn_v2/ModelNet40_200_pc512_oct3 --vg_size 512 --level 3
python ds_select_largest.py ~/data/datasets/pcc_geo_cnn_v2/ModelNet40_200_pc512_oct3 ~/data/datasets/pcc_geo_cnn_v2/ModelNet40_200_pc512_oct3_4k 4000
This section contains examples for experiments parameterized using a configuration file. For manual experiments, please go to the next section.
Run G-PCC experiments:
python mp_run.py ev_experiment.yml
Note 1: It is highly recommended to set EXPERIMENT_DIR
on an SSD drive.
On an HDD, it is recommended to add the --num_parallel 1
option as it can be extremely slow otherwise.
Train all models, run experiments and compare results:
python tr_train_all.py ev_experiment.yml && \
python ev_run_experiment.py ev_experiment.yml --num_parallel 8 && \
python ev_run_compare.py ev_experiment.yml
Note 1: In the provided configuration ev_experiment.yml
, a large number of models are trained. This takes about 4 days on an Nvidia GeForce GTX 1080 Ti.
Note 2: Adjust the --num_parallel
option for ev_run_experiment.py
depending on your GPU memory.
With 11GB, we've found 8 to leave a fair amount of GPU memory available.
To build the LaTeX tables and gather the figures:
python ut_build_paper.py ev_experiment.yml figs/
To render the point clouds and the visual comparisons:
python ut_run_render.py ev_experiment.yml
To draw the training plots from tfevents data:
python ut_tensorboard_plots.py ev_experiment.yml
This section contains usage examples for the individual scripts.
python tr_train.py \
~'/data/datasets/pcc_geo_cnn_v2/ModelNet40_200_pc512_oct3_4k/**/*.ply' \
~/datassd/experiments/pcc_geo_cnn_v2/models/c4-ws/1.00e-04 \
--resolution 64 --lmbda 1.00e-04 --alpha 0.75 --gamma 2.0 --batch_size 32 --model_config c3p
Experiment (compress, decompress, remap colors, compute metrics):
python ev_experiment.py \
--output_dir ~/datassd/experiments/pcc_geo_cnn_v2/longdress_vox10_1300/c4-ws/1.00e-04 \
--model_dir ~/datassd/experiments/pcc_geo_cnn_v2/models/c4-ws/1.00e-04 \
--model_config c3p --opt_metrics d1_mse d2_mse --max_deltas inf \
--pc_name longdress_vox10_1300 \
--pcerror_path ~/code/MPEG/mpeg-pcc-dmetric/test/pc_error_d \
--pcerror_cfg_path ~/code/MPEG/mpeg-pcc-tmc13-v10.0/cfg/trisoup-predlift/lossy-geom-lossy-attrs/longdress_vox10_1300/r06/pcerror.cfg \
--input_pc ~/data/datasets/mpeg_pcc/Static_Objects_and_Scenes/People/longdress_vox10_1300/longdress_vox10_1300.ply \
--input_norm ~/data/datasets/mpeg_pcc/Static_Objects_and_Scenes/People/longdress_vox10_1300_n/longdress_vox10_1300_n.ply
Compress/decompress (for D1 and D2 optimized point clouds):
python compress_octree.py \
--input_files ~/data/datasets/mpeg_pcc/Static_Objects_and_Scenes/People/longdress_vox10_1300/longdress_vox10_1300.ply \
--input_normals ~/data/datasets/mpeg_pcc/Static_Objects_and_Scenes/People/longdress_vox10_1300_n/longdress_vox10_1300_n.ply \
--output_files ~/datassd/experiments/pcc_geo_cnn_v2/longdress_vox10_1300/c4-ws/1.00e-04/longdress_vox10_1300_d1.ply.bin \
~/datassd/experiments/pcc_geo_cnn_v2/longdress_vox10_1300/c4-ws/1.00e-04/longdress_vox10_1300_d2.ply.bin \
--checkpoint_dir ~/datassd/experiments/pcc_geo_cnn_v2/models/c4-ws/1.00e-04 \
--opt_metrics d1_mse d2_mse --resolution 1024 --model_config c3p --octree_level 4 \
--dec_files ~/datassd/experiments/pcc_geo_cnn_v2/longdress_vox10_1300/c4-ws/1.00e-04/longdress_vox10_1300_d1.ply.bin.ply \
Compress/decompress (for D1 optimized point cloud only):
python compress_octree.py \
--input_files ~/data/datasets/mpeg_pcc/Static_Objects_and_Scenes/People/longdress_vox10_1300/longdress_vox10_1300.ply \
--output_files ~/datassd/experiments/pcc_geo_cnn_v2/longdress_vox10_1300/c4-ws/1.00e-04/longdress_vox10_1300_d1.ply.bin \
--checkpoint_dir ~/datassd/experiments/pcc_geo_cnn_v2/models/c4-ws/1.00e-04 \
--opt_metrics d1_mse --resolution 1024 --model_config c3p --octree_level 4 \
--dec_files ~/datassd/experiments/pcc_geo_cnn_v2/longdress_vox10_1300/c4-ws/1.00e-04/longdress_vox10_1300_d1.ply.bin.ply
Transfer colors from original to decompressed point cloud for visualization:
python map_color.py \
~/data/datasets/mpeg_pcc/Static_Objects_and_Scenes/People/longdress_vox10_1300/longdress_vox10_1300.ply \
~/datassd/experiments/pcc_geo_cnn_v2/longdress_vox10_1300/c4-ws/1.00e-04/longdress_vox10_1300_d1.ply.bin.ply \
Execute mpeg-pcc-dmetric to compute distortion metrics:
~/code/MPEG/mpeg-pcc-dmetric/test/pc_error_d \
-a ~/data/datasets/mpeg_pcc/Static_Objects_and_Scenes/People/longdress_vox10_1300/longdress_vox10_1300.ply \
-b ~/datassd/experiments/pcc_geo_cnn_v2/longdress_vox10_1300/c4-ws/1.00e-04/longdress_vox10_1300_d1.ply.bin.ply \
-n ~/data/datasets/mpeg_pcc/Static_Objects_and_Scenes/People/longdress_vox10_1300_n/longdress_vox10_1300_n.ply \
--resolution 1023 --dropdups 2 --neighborsProc 1
├── requirements.txt package requirements
└── src
├── compress_octree.py [Coding] Compress a point cloud
├── decompress_octree.py [Coding] Decompress a point cloud
├── ds_mesh_to_pc.py [Dataset] Convert mesh to point cloud
├── ds_pc_octree_blocks.py [Dataset] Divide a point cloud into octree blocks
├── ds_select_largest.py [Dataset] Select the N largest files from a folder
├── ev_compare.py [Eval] Compare results (curves, BD-Rates and BD-PSNRs...)
├── ev_experiment.py [Eval] Run pipeline for a point cloud (compress, decompress, eval)
├── ev_experiment.yml [Config] Experimental configuration
├── ev_run_compare.py [Eval] Compare results for the experimental configuration
├── ev_run_experiment.py [Eval] Run pipelines for the experimental configuration
├── map_color.py [Utils] Transfer colors from a point cloud onto another
├── model_configs.py [Model] Model configurations
├── model_opt.py [Model] Threshold optimization
├── model_syntax.py [Model] Bitsream specification
├── model_transforms.py [Model] Transforms configurations
├── model_types.py [Model] Model types
├── mp_report.py [MPEG] Generate JSON report for a G-PCC folder
├── mp_run.py [MPEG] Run G-PCC for the experimental configuration
├── tr_train.py [Train] Train a compression model
├── tr_train_all.py [Train] Train compression models for the experimental configuration
├── ut_build_paper.py [Utils] Create LaTeX tables and gather figures
├── ut_run_render.py [Utils] Render point clouds and visual comparisons
├── ut_tensorboard_plots.py [Utils] Generate plots from tfevents data
└── utils
├── bd.py BD-Rate and BD-PSNR computation
├── colorbar.py Colorbar generation
├── experiment.py Experimental utilities
├── focal_loss.py Focal loss
├── matplotlib_utils.py Matplotlib utilities
├── mpeg_parsing.py MPEG log files parsing
├── o3d.py Open3D utilities (rendering)
├── octree_coding.py Octree coding
├── parallel_process.py Parallel processing
├── patch_gaussian_conditional.py Patch tensorflow-compression GaussianConditional to get debug tensors
├── pc_io.py Point Cloud Input/Output
├── pc_metric.py Point Cloud geometry distortion metrics (D1 and D2)
├── pc_to_camera_params.py Generate camera parameters for a Point Cloud
└── pc_to_img.py Convert a Point Cloud to an image using predefined camera parameters
title={Improved Deep Point Cloud Geometry Compression},
author={Maurice Quach and Giuseppe Valenzise and Frederic Dufaux},