Image Editor (work in progress)
The qcvTouchUp application is designed to be a light-weight image viewing and editing application that focuses on providing an intuitive interface for performing some of the most common photo editing tasks. The project currently exists as a entry point into learning the ins and outs of the Qt C++ Framework.
The development envoronment consists of Qt Creator 4.9.0 using the Qt 5.12.2 framework. The application was built using the MSVC 2017 64-bit compiler. The project's .pro file contains sections to autodetect both the MinGW 32-bit and MSVC 64-bit compilers (as well as g++ for Linux) so that the appropriate OpenCV libraries may be linked with the project. Provided OpenCV is compiled with the same compiler used for the project, and the appropriate environment variable is set (OPENCV3_SDK_DIR for Windows base OpenCV directory), the application should build with minimum tweaking. It should also be noted that QCreator will organize the file structure to be more easily navigated in the Project View and Class View once the project is imported.
Version 3.3.1 of OpenCV is linked to this application at runtime. The pre-built libraries may be used, however compilation instructions for Windows and Linux are available as well as basic instructions on how to setup Qt and Open CV. The OpenCV libraries should be compiled with the same compiler used to build the core application. Important flags that should be enabled for compulation include but are not limited to: WITH_QT*, WITH_OPENCL*, *_JPEG, *_TIFF, *_PNG, *_WEBP, *core, *highgui, *imgcodecs, *imgproc, as well as the CPU_BASELINE and CPU_DISPATCH optimizations.
- Install MSVC 2017 x64 runtime libraries.
- Copy the binary from the Release folder for the qcvTouchUp project into its own directory (e.g. qcvRelease).
- In that directory, run windeployqt --qmldir \qcvTouchUp --release ..\qcvRelease\qcvTouchUp.exe in the Qt specific terminal
- Delete translations folder, it is not needed
- Copy in the core331, highgui331, imgcodecs331, and imgproc331 dlls from the appropriate OpenCV build directory
Currently Matthew R. Miller has been the only one to contribute to this project. Please visit the qcvTouchUp Wiki page on github for more information.
qcvTouchUp provides an image processing toolset for editing photographs, purposed and packaged for use in a desktop application user environment. qcvTouchUp is released under the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation (version 3 of the License). The appropriate licensing files for this and supporting software can be found under the files LICENSE.txt, LICENSE.Qt.txt, and LICENSE.CV.txt.