A webpack plugin to retry loading of async chunks that failed to load
// webpack.config.js
const { RetryChunkLoadPlugin } = require('webpack-retry-chunk-load-plugin');
plugins: [
new RetryChunkLoadPlugin({
// optional stringified function to get the cache busting query string appended to the script src
// if not set will default to appending the string `?cache-bust=true`
cacheBust: `function() {
return Date.now();
// optional value to set the amount of time in milliseconds before trying to load the chunk again. Default is 0
retryDelay: 3000,
// optional value to set the maximum number of retries to load the chunk. Default is 1
maxRetries: 5,
// optional list of chunks to which retry script should be injected
// if not set will add retry script to all chunks that have webpack script loading
chunks: ['chunkName'],
// optional code to be executed in the browser context if after all retries chunk is not loaded.
// if not set - nothing will happen and error will be returned to the chunk loader.
lastResortScript: "window.location.href='/500.html';",
Webpack version | webpack-retry-chunk-load-plugin version |
5.x | 2.x |
4.x | 1.x |
To use this with the angular CLI you can use the fantastic angular-builders
project to extend the built in webpack config