Xamarin.Android binding for AndroidAsync (https://github.com/koush/AndroidAsync)
AndroidAsync is a low level network protocol library. If you're looking for a raw Socket, HTTP client/server, WebSocket, and Socket.IO library for Android, AndroidAsync is it.
- Based on NIO. One thread, driven by callbacks. Highly efficient.
- All operations return a Future that can be cancelled
- Socket client + socket server
- HTTP client + server
- WebSocket client + server
Download the latest NuGet:
PM> Install-Package AndroidAsync
string url = "..."; // the URL of the string to download
AsyncHttpGet get = new AsyncHttpGet(url);
AsyncHttpClient.DefaultInstance.ExecuteString(get, (ex, response, str) => {
if (ex != null) {
Console.WriteLine("Downloaded a string: " + str);
string url = "..."; // the URL of the file to download from
string filename = "..."; // the location on the device to download to
AsyncHttpGet get = new AsyncHttpGet(url);
AsyncHttpClient.DefaultInstance.GetFile(get, filename, (ex, response, file) => {
if (ex != null) {
Console.WriteLine("Downloaded a file to: " + file.AbsolutePath);
// arguments are:
// 1. the http client
// 2. the directory to store cache files
// 3. the size of the cache in bytes
1024 * 1024 * 10);
string url = "wss://echo.websocket.org"; // the web socket URL
string protocol = "my-protocol";
AsyncHttpClient.DefaultInstance.Websocket(url, protocol, (ex, webSocket) => {
if (ex != null) {
// setting up callbacks
webSocket.SetStringCallback((str) => {
Console.WriteLine("Received a string: " + str);
// send data
webSocket.Send("a string");
AsyncHttpPost post = new AsyncHttpPost("http://my.server.com/postform.html");
MultipartFormDataBody body = new MultipartFormDataBody();
body.AddFilePart("my-file", new Java.IO.File("/path/to/file.txt"));
body.AddStringPart("foo", "bar");
post.Body = body;
AsyncHttpClient.DefaultInstance.ExecuteString (post, (ex, response, str) => {
if (ex != null) {
Console.WriteLine("Downloaded a string: " + str);
All the API calls return a Task
that can be awaited:
try {
string url = "..."; // the URL of the string to download
AsyncHttpGet get = new AsyncHttpGet(url);
string str = await AsyncHttpClient.DefaultInstance.ExecuteStringAsync(get);
Console.WriteLine("Downloaded a string: " + str);
} catch (Exception ex) {
A Task
can also be cancelled using a CancellationToken
// somewhere where everyone can access
CancellationTokenSource cts = new CancellationTokenSource();
// download something
string str = await AsyncHttpClient.DefaultInstance.ExecuteStringAsync(get, cts.Token);
Console.WriteLine("Downloaded a string: " + str);
// somewhere else
All IFuture
instances have extension methods that can turn it into a Task
IFuture future = ...;
JavaObjectType result = await future.AsTask<JavaObjectType>();
These tasks can also be allowed to cancel:
CancellationTokenSource cts = new CancellationTokenSource();
IFuture future = ...;
JavaObjectType result = await future.AsTask<JavaObjectType>(cts.Token);