A wrapper for the compass binary written in PHP
- php >= 5.3
- *nix system with compass installed
for tests
To install GitElephant with composer you simply need to create a composer.json in your project root and add:
"require": {
"cypresslab/gitelephant": ">=0.1.0"
Then run
$ wget -nc http://getcomposer.org/composer.phar
$ php composer.phar install
You have now GitElephant installed in vendor/cypresslab/compasselephant
And an handy autoload file to include in you project in vendor/.composer/autoload.php
Add the Cypresslab channel
$ pear channel-discover pear.cypresslab.net
And install the package. By now CompassElephant is in alpha state. So remember the -alpha in the library name
$ pear install cypresslab/CompassElephant-alpha
On Cypresslab pear channel homepage you can find other useful information
The library is fully tested with PHPUnit.
Go to the base library folder and run the test suites
$ phpunit
- GitElephant follows the Symfony2 Coding Standard
- I'm using gitflow so, if you want to contribute, please send a pull-request on develop branch
use CompassElephant\CompassProject,
$binary = new CompassBinary('/usr/local/bin/compass'); // this object represent your compass binary file on the filesystem
// you can omit the binary location. The library will try to find the binary with "which compass"
$binary = new CompassBinary();
$caller = new CommandCaller();
$project = new CompassProject();
There is a CompassElephantBundle to use this library inside a Symfony2 project.