diff --git a/Network/iCloud-Private-Relay-Status.6m.sh b/Network/iCloud-Private-Relay-Status.6m.sh
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6b1809bcc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Network/iCloud-Private-Relay-Status.6m.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+# iCloud Private Relay Status
+# v1.0
+# Ask Adam
+# arice
+# This plugin will indicate whether iCloud Private Relay is active by comparing your WAN IP to Apple's list of iCloud Private Relay egress servers.
+# https://askadam.io/imgs/xbar-icpr-image.png
+# curl
+# based on CodinCafe's "My External IP" plugin, thanks for the code!
+if [ $(curl -LI http://google.com -o /dev/null -w '%{http_code}\n' -s) == "200" ]; then
+# we have an internet connection
+ wanIP=$(curl -s https://ipinfo.io/ip)
+ iCloudPrivateRelayIP=$(curl -s http://ifconfig.me)
+ # using http and ifconfig.me seems to reliably return the iCloud Private Relay IP if Private Relay is enabled
+ # build the strings to use for the menu output
+ wanresult_string="Public IP: $wanIP | bash='/bin/bash' param1='-c' param2='/bin/echo $wanIP | pbcopy' terminal=false"
+ icprresult_string="iCloud Relay IP: $iCloudPrivateRelayIP | bash='/bin/bash' param1='-c' param2='/bin/echo $iCloudPrivateRelayIP | pbcopy' terminal=false"
+ # now, get the public list of iCloud Private Relay egresses
+ # HEY! need to figure out a way to grab this daily instead of each update, because
+ # the file is about 9 MB
+ mkdir -p "${TMPDIR}io.askadam"
+ egresses="egress-ip-ranges.csv"
+ iCloudEgressList="${TMPDIR}io.askadam/$egresses"
+ # get a new copy of the egress ips every few days rather than every run
+ if [ ! -f "$iCloudEgressList" ]; then
+ curl --location --silent "https://mask-api.icloud.com/egress-ip-ranges.csv" -o "$iCloudEgressList"
+ elif [[ $(find "$iCloudEgressList" -mtime +3 -print) ]]; then # it's older than 7 days; delete and get a new one
+ rm iCloudEgressList
+ curl --location --silent "https://mask-api.icloud.com/egress-ip-ranges.csv" -o "$iCloudEgressList"
+ fi
+ # test if our potential relay IP shows up in the list we just got from Apple
+ ICPResult_in_EgressList=$(grep "$iCloudPrivateRelayIP" "$iCloudEgressList")
+ # here, we set the menu bar icon to either a green sparkle (yay safe!) or a red flag (boo danger!)
+ if [ "$wanIP" != "$iCloudPrivateRelayIP" ] && [ ICPResult_in_EgressList != "" ]; then
+ ICP_active=true
+ echo "❇️️"
+ else
+ ICP_active=""
+ echo "🚩"
+ fi
+ wanresult_string="No Internet Connection"
+ echo "❌️"
+d=$(date +"%A, %b %d, %I:%M %p")
+echo '---'
+# operational code; commented out for screenshot
+echo "$wanresult_string"
+if [ "$ICP_active" = true ]; then
+ echo "$icprresult_string"
+ echo "iCloud Private Relay is NOT active"
+# menu items for screenshot
+# echo "Public IP:"
+# echo "iCloud Relay IP:"
+echo "Checked: $d"
+echo ---
+echo "Refresh... | refresh=true"