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Jason Volk edited this page Jun 14, 2020 · 11 revisions


This guide is intended for system administrators to optimize Construct and maximize its performance for their environment. This does not cover BUILD tuning, and it is expected that Construct is already installed and the SETUP has been completed.

  • Some instructions may reference Construct's configuration system. This is accessed via the administrator's console which can be reached by striking ctrl-c (SIGINT) and then using the conf command (see: help conf). The console can also be reached interactively through your preferred client in the !control room. Alternatively, configuration state can be manipulated directly through the !conf room. Configuration changes take effect as a result of state events sent to the !conf room, thus all aforementioned methods to change configuration are the same.


Table of Contents
  1. Deployment Review
  2. Cache Memory Locking
  3. Event Cache Size
  4. Client Pool Size

Deployment Review

It is highly recommended these items are reviewed by administrators before continuing with the remainder of this guide.

Asynchronous Filesystem I/O

The most impactful actions an administrator can take come from providing Construct with a suitable I/O environment. The server's workload relies heavily on random-access to local files. Using a solid-state-srive (SSD) rather than a mechanical hard-disk (HD) is preferred but not required for great performance. When using a low-latency storage device, the impact from this section is much less pronounced, but adherence to it is still advised nonetheless. When using high-latency storage devices, adhering to this section is essential.

  • Operating system must support asynchronous filesystem I/O. Currently, only Linux is viable as Construct makes use of the AIO interface. We note that while FreeBSD and Windows actually have superior asynchronous IO support, we simply haven't ported to those within Construct yet and this section will be updated. On Linux, there are incremental benefits which Construct takes advantage of between Linux 4.4 and Linux 5.3. Always use the newest possible kernel for best performance.

  • Filesystem must support Direct-IO. Ext4 and family support Direct-IO (O_DIRECT). Many experimental filesystems do not support Direct-IO including ZFS (with the exception of some very recent releases). It is strongly advised you place your database directory in a filesystem which fully supports Direct-IO. It is important that Construct does not read data through the operating system's page-cache. Direct-IO allows the server to submit many fine-grained read requests to high-latency storage in parallel without impeding execution.

  • Hardware device properties must be detected. Construct probes information about block devices using sysfs(5). It must acquire the device's queue depth, and a few other characteristics for optimal operation. When not found, the queue depth defaults to 32. This value controls the request parallelism and may be incorrectly utilizing the backplane. For multi-disk RAID arrays, it is often too low and bandwidth is wasted. For limited virtual machines and cheaper hardware it may be too high, causing io_submit(2) to block, stalling the server.

    • Review device information with the console command fs dev. If detected device information is incorrect or absent, manually configure the appropriate queue depth with the environment variable ircd_fs_aio_max_events before execution.

Optimizing Dynamic Memory

Construct automatically detects jemalloc(3) on the system at ./configure time (see: BUILD) and marks it as DT_NEEDED on ELF systems to load it as the default allocator. Do not LD_PRELOAD jemalloc as this will override our configuration and increases memory usage.

  • Confirm jemalloc in use at the console with the command: mem get version string.

Cache Memory Locking

On Linux systems (or systems which support mlock2(2)), and when jemalloc(3) is being used, Construct has a feature which can prevent swapping of database caches by locking them into RAM. To enable this feature, the resource limit for locked memory must be set to unlimited. This can be achieved by running ulimit -l unlimited before executing. Note that any limit on locked memory (even if larger than the cache sizes) will disable this feature.

A page-fault for swapped data will block the entire server until the data is read back into RAM. This is inferior to Construct's normal operation which reads data from the disk asynchronously without blocking. There is never a good reason to swap cache data; it is always better to simply drop it. In the future, Construct will support trimming caches under high memory pressure as reported by Linux Pressure-Stall-Information.

Event Cache Size

Most of Construct's runtime footprint in RAM consists of a cache of Matrix events read from the database. The data in many of these events may be directly accessed for fundamental server operations; for example, a client's access-token and user information is stored with events in special server rooms. The event cache is a set of LRU (Least Recently Used) caches. The size of these caches should be tuned to at least the "working-set size" expected by the server. If these caches are too small, load will be placed on the next storage tier. For storage devices with poor random access characteristics it is important these caches cover the server's working-set size.

To list the event cache information, try the following commands (example output shown):

> db cache events *

COLUMN                               PCT       HITS    MISSES    INSERT                     CACHED                   CAPACITY               INSERT TOTAL               LOCKED
*                                 61.94%   18742243   3818637   3814446      1.41 GiB (1517280856)      2.28 GiB (2449473536)      4.46 GiB (4787594200)   4.41 MiB (4628512)
> db cache events **

COLUMN                               PCT       HITS    MISSES    INSERT                     CACHED                   CAPACITY               INSERT TOTAL               LOCKED
content                           17.85%    2113271     85256     83255       22.85 MiB (23962992)     128.00 MiB (134217728)     569.37 MiB (597026848)           0.00 B (0)
depth                             90.71%      11292     96431     96431       58.06 MiB (60876968)       64.00 MiB (67108864)       59.68 MiB (62575248)           0.00 B (0)
event_id                           9.24%     191518    153523    153523         5.92 MiB (6202768)       64.00 MiB (67108864)     865.07 MiB (907093240)           0.00 B (0)
origin_server_ts                  99.99%       9852    566483    566258       64.00 MiB (67103832)       64.00 MiB (67108864)     353.29 MiB (370455584)           0.00 B (0)
room_id                           99.99%    1015939    216695    216694       63.99 MiB (67102496)       64.00 MiB (67108864)     132.05 MiB (138467768)   1.93 MiB (2019088)
sender                            39.18%      56357     80879     80879       50.16 MiB (52592768)     128.00 MiB (134217728)       50.36 MiB (52809616)           0.00 B (0)
state_key                         40.49%       7336     89035     87181       25.91 MiB (27171856)       64.00 MiB (67108864)     383.42 MiB (402049648)           0.00 B (0)
type                              99.92%    1716885     66485     66485       31.97 MiB (33527264)       32.00 MiB (33554432)       40.69 MiB (42667312)           0.00 B (0)
_event_idx                        99.99%     652575    505956    505955     255.98 MiB (268418416)     256.00 MiB (268435456)     635.40 MiB (666268064)    23.45 KiB (24016)
_room_events                      62.14%     308312     13144     13144       79.54 MiB (83405864)     128.00 MiB (134217728)       79.73 MiB (83608112)  284.73 KiB (291560)
_room_joined                      52.73%    2087968      6789      6789         4.22 MiB (4422936)         8.00 MiB (8388608)         4.23 MiB (4431280)           0.00 B (0)
_room_state                       25.40%    2038549     21590     21590       16.25 MiB (17044504)       64.00 MiB (67108864)       52.26 MiB (54793600)           0.00 B (0)
_room_head                        26.41%       7986      9435      9435         2.11 MiB (2215192)         8.00 MiB (8388608)       37.56 MiB (39389688)           0.00 B (0)
_event_json                       62.79%      82254   1166164   1166153     642.96 MiB (674189112)   1024.00 MiB (1073741824)     736.76 MiB (772552224)   3.52 MiB (3690824)
_event_refs                       79.17%      54501    112508    112505       50.67 MiB (53127080)       64.00 MiB (67108864)       68.76 MiB (72098088)           0.00 B (0)
_event_type                       99.77%         22      8215      8215       15.96 MiB (16738848)       16.00 MiB (16777216)       17.27 MiB (18109240)    73.93 KiB (75704)
_event_sender                      0.00%          0     23453     23453                 0.00 B (0)       16.00 MiB (16777216)       15.01 MiB (15739768)           0.00 B (0)
_event_horizon                    99.96%      15722     18296     18296       15.99 MiB (16769768)       16.00 MiB (16777216)       18.91 MiB (19833200)           0.00 B (0)
_room_state_space                 67.24%       3997     24712     24712       86.06 MiB (90241400)     128.00 MiB (134217728)       92.28 MiB (96762256)           0.00 B (0)

To view the configuration item for the size of a cache, which should match your output from the above command, use the following command where <COLUMN> is replaced by one of the names under COLUMN in the above output:

conf ircd.m.dbs.<COLUMN>.cache.size

To alter a cache size, set the configuration item with a byte value. In the example below we will set the _event_json cache size to 256 MiB. This change will take effect immediately and the cache will grow or shrink to that size.

conf set ircd.m.dbs._event_json.cache.size 268435456

Tip: The best metric to figure out which caches are inadequate is not necessarily the utilization percentage. Caches that are too small generally exhibit high values under INSERT TOTAL as well as full utilization. If this value is several times higher than the cache size and growing, consider increasing that cache's size.

Client Pool Size


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