Forgotten is a Twine interactive created by Matilde Park, and Arielle Grimes.
- The Twine 1.4.2 .tws file.
- All audio files contained in a separate folder.
- All images contained in a separate folder.
Please note that the compiled Twine .html references the audio folder. You will require Twine 1.4.2 to open the .tws file; however, there is no required story format, as it uses the default Sugarcane format.
Forgotten uses several Twine macros by other authors:
- The JavaScript passage transition "Typewriter" by Leon Arnott.
- The sqTwineSound HTML5 audio Twine macro suite by Tory Hoke.
- The Replace Twine macro set by Leon Arnott.
- The Timed Goto Twine macro by Leon Arnott.
- This Screenshake Twine macro by dariusk, updated by 20hz20khz for Twine 1.4.1.
These macros may be licensed separately from Forgotten, but conform to their individual licenses to the best of the authors' knowledge.
Forgotten also includes the following fonts:
- The "pxplusibmcga" font by VileR, used under the CC BY-SA 4.0 license.
- The "Perfect DOS VGA 437" font by Zeh Fernando, released without any explicit license, but listed as 100% free.
The code is released under the MIT License. All assets created by the authors (sound and image) are released under the Creative Commons Zero 1.0 Univeral License.