- Usage::
join.py [options] filea:col# fileb:col#
join filea with fileb by looking for the same value in col#
col numbers are 0-based indexing.
can never get linux join to work as i want. also handles files with different seperators.
- Options:
-h, --help show this help message and exit --sepa=SEPA separator for 1st file --sepb=SEPB separator for 2nd file -x only print the shared column once.
Uses the hypergeometric distribtion to calculate the probality of gene-list overlap. Given 2 lists (or gene sets) we know they came from, e.g. GG genes and we know there are AA genes in list-A and BB genes in list-B. What is the probability that they share SS genes?
$ ./list_overlap_p.py SS GG AA BB
$ ./list_overlap_p.py 10 30000 345 322 0.0043679470685
gives the probability that 10 genes are shared in 2 random lists of length 345 and 322 given that those lists are drawn from a set of 30K genes.