A custom matlab docker image for my own use.
This image has been built on top of the matlab image from MathWorks.
docker build -t matlab .
To start the MATLAB desktop, execute:
docker run -it --rm -p 5901:5901 -p 6080:6080 --shm-size=512M matifali/matlab:latest -vnc
To connect to the MATLAB desktop, either:
- Point a browser to port 6080 of the docker host machine running this container e.g http://localhost:6080 for the local machine.
- Use a VNC client to connect to display 1 of the docker host machine (hostname:1)
The VNC password is matlab by default. Use the
environment variable to change it.
To start the container, execute:
docker run -it --rm -p 8888:8888 --shm-size=512M matifali/matlab:latest -browser
Running the above command prints text to your terminal containing the URL to access MATLAB. For example:
MATLAB can be accessed at: http://localhost:8888/index.html
5G_Toolbox \
#AUTOSAR_Blockset \
#Aerospace_Blockset \
Aerospace_Toolbox \
Antenna_Toolbox \
Audio_Toolbox \
Automated_Driving_Toolbox \
Bioinformatics_Toolbox \
Bluetooth_Toolbox \
Communications_Toolbox \
Computer_Vision_Toolbox \
Control_System_Toolbox \
Curve_Fitting_Toolbox \
#DDS_Blockset \
#DO_Qualification_Kit \
DSP_HDL_Toolbox \
DSP_System_Toolbox \
#Database_Toolbox \
#Datafeed_Toolbox \
#Deep_Learning_HDL_Toolbox \
Deep_Learning_Toolbox \
#Econometrics_Toolbox \
#Embedded_Coder \
#Filter_Design_HDL_Coder \
#Financial_Instruments_Toolbox \
#Financial_Toolbox \
Fixed-Point_Designer \
Fuzzy_Logic_Toolbox \
#GPU_Coder \
Global_Optimization_Toolbox \
#HDL_Coder \
#HDL_Verifier \
#IEC_Certification_Kit \
#Image_Acquisition_Toolbox \
Image_Processing_Toolbox \
#Industrial_Communication_Toolbox \
#Instrument_Control_Toolbox \
LTE_Toolbox \
Lidar_Toolbox \
MATLAB_Coder \
MATLAB_Compiler \
MATLAB_Compiler_SDK \
MATLAB_Parallel_Server \
#MATLAB_Production_Server \
MATLAB_Report_Generator \
#MATLAB_Web_App_Server \
Mapping_Toolbox \
# Mixed-Signal_Blockset \
Model_Predictive_Control_Toolbox \
# Motor_Control_Blockset \
Navigation_Toolbox \
Optimization_Toolbox \
Parallel_Computing_Toolbox \
Partial_Differential_Equation_Toolbox \
Phased_Array_System_Toolbox \
#Polyspace_Bug_Finder \
#Polyspace_Bug_Finder_Server \
#Polyspace_Code_Prover \
#Polyspace_Code_Prover_Server \
#Powertrain_Blockset \
#Predictive_Maintenance_Toolbox \
# RF_Blockset \
RF_PCB_Toolbox \
RF_Toolbox \
ROS_Toolbox \
Radar_Toolbox \
Reinforcement_Learning_Toolbox \
#Requirements_Toolbox \
#Risk_Management_Toolbox \
Robotics_System_Toolbox \
Robust_Control_Toolbox \
Satellite_Communications_Toolbox \
Sensor_Fusion_and_Tracking_Toolbox \
#SerDes_Toolbox \
Signal_Integrity_Toolbox \
Signal_Processing_Toolbox \
#SimBiology \
#SimEvents \
#Simscape \
#Simscape_Driveline \
#Simscape_Electrical \
#Simscape_Fluids \
#Simscape_Multibody \
#Simulink \
#Simulink_3D_Animation \
#Simulink_Check \
#Simulink_Code_Inspector \
#Simulink_Coder \
#Simulink_Compiler \
#Simulink_Control_Design \
#Simulink_Coverage \
#Simulink_Design_Optimization \
#Simulink_Design_Verifier \
#Simulink_Desktop_Real-Time \
#Simulink_PLC_Coder \
#Simulink_Real-Time \
#Simulink_Report_Generator \
#Simulink_Test \
#SoC_Blockset \
#Spreadsheet_Link \
#Stateflow \
Statistics_and_Machine_Learning_Toolbox \
Symbolic_Math_Toolbox \
#System_Composer \
System_Identification_Toolbox \
Text_Analytics_Toolbox \
UAV_Toolbox \
# Vehicle_Dynamics_Blockset \
Vehicle_Network_Toolbox \
#Vision_HDL_Toolbox \
WLAN_Toolbox \
Wavelet_Toolbox \
#Wireless_HDL_Toolbox \