Replies: 3 comments
- import time
import logging
import os
import sys
import clr
import ctypes
import re
from datetime import datetime
from library.lcd.lcd_comm import Orientation
from library.lcd.lcd_comm_rev_c import LcdCommRevC # For 5″ monitor
format='%(asctime)s.%(msecs)03d [%(levelname)s] %(message)s',
datefmt='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S',
# ====== Display Settings ======
# In landscape mode, physical resolution is 800x480.
FONT_PATH = "res/fonts/jetbrains-mono/JetBrainsMono-Bold.ttf"
BG_COLOR = (0, 0, 0) # Solid black background
CPU_COLOR = (255, 0, 0) # Red for CPU (and RAM)
GPU_COLOR = (0, 128, 0) # Dark green for GPU stats
TEXT_COLOR = (255, 255, 255) # White text
UPDATE_INTERVAL = .5 # seconds
BACKGROUND_IMG = "background.png"
# Bar vertical offset (in pixels) to align bars with text.
# ====== Setup LibreHardwareMonitor ======
clr.AddReference(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'external', 'LibreHardwareMonitor', 'LibreHardwareMonitorLib.dll'))
clr.AddReference(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'external', 'LibreHardwareMonitor', 'HidSharp.dll'))
from LibreHardwareMonitor import Hardware
handle = Hardware.Computer()
handle.IsCpuEnabled = True
handle.IsGpuEnabled = True
handle.IsMemoryEnabled = True
handle.IsMotherboardEnabled = True
handle.IsControllerEnabled = True
handle.IsNetworkEnabled = True
handle.IsStorageEnabled = True
handle.IsPsuEnabled = True
# ====== Sensor Query Functions ======
def get_sensor_value(hw_list, hw_type, sensor_type, sensor_name, hw_name=None):
for hw in hw_list:
if hw.HardwareType == hw_type:
if hw_name and (hw_name.lower() not in hw.Name.lower()):
for sensor in hw.Sensors:
if str(sensor.SensorType) == sensor_type and sensor.Name == sensor_name:
return sensor.Value
for subhw in hw.SubHardware:
for sensor in subhw.Sensors:
if str(sensor.SensorType) == sensor_type and sensor.Name == sensor_name:
return sensor.Value
return None
def get_hardware_name(hw_list, hw_type, skip_first=False):
skipped = False
for hw in hw_list:
if hw.HardwareType == hw_type:
if skip_first and not skipped:
skipped = True
return hw.Name
return None
def truncate_first_word(name_str):
parts = name_str.split()
if len(parts) > 1:
return " ".join(parts[1:])
return name_str
# Store CPU name globally.
def initialize_hardware_names():
global CPU_NAME
hw_list = handle.Hardware
cpu_full_name = get_hardware_name(hw_list, Hardware.HardwareType.Cpu) or "Unknown CPU"
CPU_NAME = truncate_first_word(cpu_full_name)
# Get GPU stats for a given filter (e.g. "4090" or "1030")
def get_gpu_stats(hw_list, filter_str):
stats = {}
for hw in hw_list:
if hw.HardwareType == Hardware.HardwareType.GpuNvidia and filter_str.lower() in hw.Name.lower():
stats["name"] = hw.Name
stats["util"] = get_sensor_value(hw_list, Hardware.HardwareType.GpuNvidia, "Load", "GPU Core", hw_name=filter_str) or 0.0
stats["temp"] = get_sensor_value(hw_list, Hardware.HardwareType.GpuNvidia, "Temperature", "GPU Core", hw_name=filter_str) or 0.0
stats["clock"] = get_sensor_value(hw_list, Hardware.HardwareType.GpuNvidia, "Clock", "GPU Core", hw_name=filter_str) or 0.0
stats["mem_used"] = get_sensor_value(hw_list, Hardware.HardwareType.GpuNvidia, "SmallData", "GPU Memory Used", hw_name=filter_str) or 0.0
stats["mem_total"] = get_sensor_value(hw_list, Hardware.HardwareType.GpuNvidia, "SmallData", "GPU Memory Total", hw_name=filter_str) or 1.0
stats["mem_percent"] = (stats["mem_used"] / stats["mem_total"]) * 100
return stats
return None
# Draw a GPU section starting at (x,y) for a given GPU's stats.
def draw_gpu_section(lcd, x, y, stats):
# Fix GPU progress bar's right edge at x=780.
bar_width = 300
bar_x = 780 - bar_width
# Header: display GPU name.
lcd.DisplayText(stats["name"], x=x, y=y, font=FONT_PATH, font_size=20,
font_color=GPU_COLOR, background_color=BG_COLOR)
y += 20
# Utilization text: pad to 3 characters.
util_str = f"Util: {int(stats['util']):3d}%"
lcd.DisplayText(util_str, x=x, y=y, font=FONT_PATH, font_size=16,
font_color=GPU_COLOR, background_color=BG_COLOR)
y += 20
# Utilization progress bar.
lcd.DisplayProgressBar(x=bar_x, y=y + BAR_OFFSET, width=bar_width, height=20,
min_value=0, max_value=100, value=int(stats["util"]),
bar_color=GPU_COLOR, bar_outline=True, background_color=BG_COLOR)
y += 30
# Temperature and clock on one line.
temp_freq_str = f"Temp: {int(stats['temp']):2d}°C Freq: {int(stats['clock']):4d}MHz"
lcd.DisplayText(temp_freq_str, x=x, y=y, font=FONT_PATH, font_size=16,
font_color=GPU_COLOR, background_color=BG_COLOR)
y += 20
# Memory usage text: pad to 5 digits.
mem_str = f"Mem: {int(stats['mem_used']):5d}MB/{int(stats['mem_total']):5d}MB"
lcd.DisplayText(mem_str, x=x, y=y, font=FONT_PATH, font_size=16,
font_color=GPU_COLOR, background_color=BG_COLOR)
y += 20
# Memory usage progress bar.
lcd.DisplayProgressBar(x=bar_x, y=y + BAR_OFFSET, width=bar_width, height=20,
min_value=0, max_value=100, value=int(stats["mem_percent"]),
bar_color=GPU_COLOR, bar_outline=True, background_color=BG_COLOR)
y += 30
return y
def get_sorted_core_loads(hw_list):
core_loads = []
for hw in hw_list:
if hw.HardwareType == Hardware.HardwareType.Cpu:
for sensor in hw.Sensors:
if str(sensor.SensorType) == "Load" and "Core" in sensor.Name:
m ='#(\d+)', sensor.Name)
core_index = int( if m else 99
core_loads.append((core_index, sensor.Name, sensor.Value))
for subhw in hw.SubHardware:
for sensor in subhw.Sensors:
if str(sensor.SensorType) == "Load" and "Core" in sensor.Name:
m ='#(\d+)', sensor.Name)
core_index = int( if m else 99
core_loads.append((core_index, sensor.Name, sensor.Value))
core_loads.sort(key=lambda x: x[0])
return core_loads
def initialize_display():
lcd = LcdCommRevC(
logging.debug("Displaying initial background...")
logging.debug("Initial background displayed.")
return lcd
def draw_static_text(lcd):
# Left side: CPU header and CPU name.
lcd.DisplayText("CPU Stats", x=10, y=10, font=FONT_PATH, font_size=22,
font_color=TEXT_COLOR, background_color=BG_COLOR)
lcd.DisplayText(CPU_NAME, x=10, y=40, font=FONT_PATH, font_size=20,
font_color=CPU_COLOR, background_color=BG_COLOR)
# Right side: GPU Stats header.
lcd.DisplayText("GPU Stats", x=420, y=10, font=FONT_PATH, font_size=22,
font_color=TEXT_COLOR, background_color=BG_COLOR)
def draw_dynamic_stats(lcd):
hw_list = handle.Hardware
# --- CPU Stats (Left Side) ---
cpu_load = get_sensor_value(hw_list, Hardware.HardwareType.Cpu, "Load", "CPU Total") or 0.0
cpu_temp = get_sensor_value(hw_list, Hardware.HardwareType.Cpu, "Temperature", "Core (Tctl/Tdie)")
if cpu_temp is None:
cpu_temp = get_sensor_value(hw_list, Hardware.HardwareType.Cpu, "Temperature", "Package") or 0.0
cpu_freq = get_sensor_value(hw_list, Hardware.HardwareType.Cpu, "Clock", "Core #1") or 0.0
y_cpu = 70
# Total percentage: pad to 3 digits.
lcd.DisplayText(f"Total: {int(cpu_load):3d}%", x=10, y=y_cpu, font=FONT_PATH, font_size=20,
font_color=CPU_COLOR, background_color=BG_COLOR)
cpu_bar_width = 170
cpu_bar_x = 320 - cpu_bar_width # = 180.
lcd.DisplayProgressBar(x=cpu_bar_x, y=y_cpu + BAR_OFFSET, width=cpu_bar_width, height=20,
min_value=0, max_value=100, value=int(cpu_load),
bar_color=CPU_COLOR, bar_outline=True, background_color=BG_COLOR)
y_cpu += 30
lcd.DisplayText(f"Temp: {int(cpu_temp):2d}°C Freq: {int(cpu_freq):4d}MHz", x=10, y=y_cpu,
font=FONT_PATH, font_size=20, font_color=CPU_COLOR, background_color=BG_COLOR)
y_cpu += 30
core_loads = get_sorted_core_loads(hw_list)
for core_index, sensor_name, load in core_loads:
core_label = f"Core {core_index}:" if core_index != 99 else "Core (top):"
lcd.DisplayText(core_label, x=10, y=y_cpu, font=FONT_PATH, font_size=18,
font_color=CPU_COLOR, background_color=BG_COLOR)
lcd.DisplayProgressBar(x=cpu_bar_x, y=y_cpu + BAR_OFFSET, width=cpu_bar_width, height=15,
min_value=0, max_value=100, value=int(load),
bar_color=CPU_COLOR, bar_outline=True, background_color=BG_COLOR)
lcd.DisplayText(f"{int(load):3d}%", x=330, y=y_cpu, font=FONT_PATH, font_size=18,
font_color=CPU_COLOR, background_color=BG_COLOR)
y_cpu += 20
# --- RAM Stats (Left Side, below CPU) ---
mem_used = get_sensor_value(hw_list, Hardware.HardwareType.Memory, "Data", "Memory Used") or 0.0
mem_avail = get_sensor_value(hw_list, Hardware.HardwareType.Memory, "Data", "Memory Available") or 0.0
mem_total = mem_used + mem_avail
mem_pct = (mem_used / mem_total) * 100 if mem_total > 0 else 0
y_ram = y_cpu + 20
lcd.DisplayText("RAM Stats", x=10, y=y_ram, font=FONT_PATH, font_size=22,
font_color=TEXT_COLOR, background_color=BG_COLOR)
y_ram += 30
# Convert values from GB to MB.
mem_used_mb = int(round(mem_used * 1024))
mem_total_mb = int(round(mem_total * 1024))
# System RAM values: pad to 6 characters.
lcd.DisplayText(f"{mem_used_mb:6d}MB / {mem_total_mb:6d}MB", x=10, y=y_ram, font=FONT_PATH, font_size=20,
font_color=CPU_COLOR, background_color=BG_COLOR)
ram_bar_width = 140
ram_bar_x = 420 - ram_bar_width # = 280.
lcd.DisplayProgressBar(x=ram_bar_x, y=y_ram + BAR_OFFSET, width=ram_bar_width, height=20,
min_value=0, max_value=100, value=int(mem_pct),
bar_color=CPU_COLOR, bar_outline=True, background_color=BG_COLOR)
# --- GPU Stats (Right Side) ---
gpu_x = 420 # left margin for GPU section.
gpu_stats_4090 = get_gpu_stats(hw_list, "4090")
if gpu_stats_4090 is not None:
y_gpu1 = 40
y_gpu1 = draw_gpu_section(lcd, gpu_x, y_gpu1, gpu_stats_4090)
gpu_stats_1030 = get_gpu_stats(hw_list, "1030")
if gpu_stats_1030 is not None:
y_gpu2 = 180 # vertical gap.
y_gpu2 = draw_gpu_section(lcd, gpu_x, y_gpu2, gpu_stats_1030)
# --- Uptime and Clock (Centered at Bottom) ---
now =
clock_str = now.strftime("%a %m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p")
uptime_str = get_uptime_str()
lcd.DisplayText(uptime_str, x=400, y=440, font=FONT_PATH, font_size=20,
font_color=TEXT_COLOR, background_color=BG_COLOR, anchor="mt")
lcd.DisplayText(clock_str, x=400, y=460, font=FONT_PATH, font_size=20,
font_color=TEXT_COLOR, background_color=BG_COLOR, anchor="mt")
def get_uptime_str():
uptime_ms = ctypes.windll.kernel32.GetTickCount64()
uptime_sec = uptime_ms // 1000
days = uptime_sec // 86400
hours = (uptime_sec % 86400) // 3600
minutes = (uptime_sec % 3600) // 60
seconds = uptime_sec % 60
return f"Uptime: {days}d {hours:02d}:{minutes:02d}:{seconds:02d}"
def main():
lcd = initialize_display()
while True:
if __name__ == "__main__":
handle.Close() |
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![]() Oh, you will need this file in the root of your directory as well... it is just a black image called background.png |
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Thank you @majormer nice to see something a little different than themes with System Monitor! |
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I know a lot use the themes. I went with the Python script method of interacting, and leveraged ChatGPT some to help me get it working just right for me. Basically, I want a clean, simple interface for monitoring my RAM, GPU, and CPU usage. In my case, I have two GPUs (my 4090 could only drive 2x120hz monitors, so I have a second one driving other 4K monitors. So, I created something to help me watch how my games run. I also run AI inference on my computer, sometimes, and I have to watch my vRAM closely when I do.
If you want to tweak this, you can do it pretty easily. Since I have two GPUs, I had to use part off the name to identify which one I wanted, like 4090 or 1030. If you have different cards, you can just modify that part.
Also, the setup of the device (5 inch Turing in my case) is in the beginning of the script. You might need to tweak it some to get it working.
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