Grow some carrots, harvest them and make some carrot juice out of them... A bit funnier hands on on git and software engineering than bar foo baz... Everything in Fortran 90.
Fork the project on the web interface
Clone the project on your laptop
- Modify one file of your working copy and try
- git status
- git diff
- git diff --staged
- Add this file to the staging area and try
- git status
- git diff
- git diff --staged
- Cancel your modification by asking git to overwrite the modified file with the latest version of the repository
- Fast forward merges 1/2 On the master branch, for each group of students:
- student1 modifies one file in growing directory
- student2 modifies one file in pressing directory
- student3 modifies the main
- everybody tries to commit & push
- Fast forward merges 2/2 On the master branch, for each group of students:
- everybody modifies the main, but a different part of the main
- everybody tries to commit & push
- Conflict On the master branch, for each group of students:
- student1 and student2 modify the same line in the main
- everybody tries to commit & push
- Protected branch
- On the web interface, modify the access property of the master branch to protected
- Student1 creates a new commit on the master branch
- Try to push this new commit on the gtilab server on the master branch.
- What happens ?
- Feature branch
- Student1 creates a new branch such that the latest commit belongs to the new branch and not anymore to the master branch
- Student1 pushes his new branch on the server
- Student2 creates a new branch from master directly
- Student2 creates a new commit on this new branch and pushes the branch on the server
- Merge request
- On the web interface each student creates a merge request to merge their feature branch to the master one
- Accept it and verify it gives the correct result
Each student creates a new feature branch like before and pushes it on the server
Reporting an issue
- On the web interface, report an issue on the branch of your colleague
- Discuss on the issue using the web interface
- Fixing the issue
- Each student fixes the issue in his own branch
- Change the status of the issue by providing the appropriate commit message
- Try to answer the following questions
- Who touched this line from this file ?
- Who modified this part of the reopsitory during a given period ?
- To which branch does this commit belong ?
- ...
- If you managed to answer some questions, show the others how you managed to do it
- Stash modifications
- Modify the local copy of a branch
- You can checkout another branch right now => stash your modifications
- Checkout the other branch
- Modify it and commit
- Unstash your modifications
- Checkout the inital branch again
- unstash your modfications
- You recover the state you were before
- Add the project of another group of students as a new remote of your local repository
- Try to merge something and see what happens...