FireWorks provides two functions for getting information about your Workflows. The lpad get_fws
command queries individual FireWorks (steps in a Workflow), whereas the lpad get_wflows
command queries entire Workflows. The reporting features allows you to generate detailed reports about runtime statistics.
Full usage of these commands can be found through the built-in help:
lpad get_fws --help lpad get_wflows --help lpad report --help
Note that there is also a visual web interface to job status, see :doc:`web interface guide </basesite_tutorial>`.
Count the number of completed FireWorks:
lpad get_fws -s COMPLETED -d count
Show all information for the 3 most recently updated FIZZLED FireWorks:
lpad get_fws -s FIZZLED -d all -m 3 --rsort updated_on
Show all information of the Firework with name set to
:lpad get_fws -n my_fw -d all
Show a summary of the Firework with fw_id of 1:
lpad get_fws -i 1 -d more
Show a summary of all FireWorks where the spec contains a value of my_parameter equal to 3:
lpad get_fws -q '{"spec.my_parameter":3}' -d more
Count the number of completed Workflows:
lpad get_wflows -s COMPLETED -d count
Show all information for the 3 most recently updated FIZZLED Workflows:
lpad get_wflows -s FIZZLED -d all -m 3 --rsort updated_on
Show all information of the Workflow with name set to
:lpad get_wflows -n my_wf -d all
Show a summary of the Workflow containing a Firework with fw_id of 1:
lpad get_wflows -i 1 -d more
Show a summary of all Workflows where the metadata contains a value of my_parameter equal to 3:
lpad get_wflows -q '{"metadata.my_parameter":3}' -d more
Get a report of what happened to recently updated Fireworks:
lpad report
Get report about workflows or jobs:
lpad report -c wflows lpad report -c launches
Customize the reporting interval, e.g. see what happened the last 6 months:
lpad report -i months -n 6
You can easily e-mail the report by using the mail command on a unix system:
lpad report | mail -s "Fireworks report"