Marvin is an open source Artificial Intelligence platform that focus on help data science team members, in an easy way, to deliver complex solutions supported by a high-scale, low-latency, language agnostic and standardized architecture while simplifying the process of exploitation and modeling.
- Installing Marvin (Ubuntu and MacOS user)
- Installing Marvin (Other OS)
- Creating a new engine
- Working in an existing engine
- Command line interface
- Running a example engine
Take the following steps to install Marvin Toolbox:
- Libsasl2-dev, Python-pip and Graphviz installation
sudo apt-get install libsasl2-dev python-pip graphviz -y
sudo easy_install pip
brew install openssl graphviz
- VirtualEnvWrapper Installation
sudo pip install --upgrade pip
sudo pip install virtualenvwrapper --ignore-installed six
- Spark installation
curl -o /tmp/spark-2.1.1-bin-hadoop2.6.tgz
sudo tar -xf /tmp/spark-2.1.1-bin-hadoop2.6.tgz -C /opt/
sudo ln -s /opt/spark-2.1.1-bin-hadoop2.6 /opt/spark
echo "export SPARK_HOME=/opt/spark" >> $HOME/.bash_profile
If you do not have /opt directory created, before unpacking spark, run:
sudo mkdir /opt
- Set environment variables
echo "export WORKON_HOME=$HOME/.virtualenvs" >> $HOME/.bash_profile
echo "export MARVIN_HOME=$HOME/marvin" >> $HOME/.bash_profile
echo "export MARVIN_DATA_PATH=$HOME/marvin/data" >> $HOME/.bash_profile
echo "source" >> $HOME/.bash_profile
source ~/.bash_profile
- Clone and install python-toolbox
git clone
cd marvin-python-toolbox
mkvirtualenv python-toolbox-env
make marvin
- Test the installation
marvin test
Take the following steps to install Marvin Toolbox using Vagrant:
- Install requirements
- Virtual box (Version 5.1 +)
- Vagrant (Version 1.9.2 or +)
- Clone repository and start provision
git clone
cd marvin-vagrant-dev
- Prepare dev (engine creation) box
vagrant up dev
vagrant ssh dev
Wait for provision process and follow interactive configuration script after access the dev box using vagrant ssh command.
- The marvin source projects will be on your home folder, to compile and use the marvin toolbox
workon python-toolbox-env
make marvin
- To create a new engine
workon python-toolbox-env
marvin engine-generate
Respond the interactive prompt and wait for the engine environment preparation, and don't forget to start dev box before if you are using vagrant.
- Test the new engine
workon <new_engine_name>-env
marvin test
- For more informations
marvin --help
- Set VirtualEnv and get to engine's path
workon <engine_name>-env
- Test your engine
marvin test
- Bring up the notebook and access it from your browser
marvin notebook
Usage: marvin [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]
--debug #Enable debug mode.
--version #Show the version and exit.
--help #Show this command line interface and exit.
engine-generate #Generate a new marvin engine project.
engine-generateenv #Generate a new marvin engine environment.
engine-grpcserver #Marvin gRPC engine action server starts.
engine-httpserver #Marvin http api server starts.
hive-dataimport #Import data samples from a hive databse to the hive running in this toolbox.
hive-generateconf #Generate default configuration file.
hive-resetremote #Drop all remote tables from informed engine on host.
notebook #Start the Jupyter notebook server.
pkg-bumpversion #Bump the package version.
pkg-createtag #Create git tag using the package version.
pkg-showchanges #Show the package changelog.
pkg-showinfo #Show information about the package.
pkg-showversion #Show the package version.
pkg-updatedeps #Update requirements.txt.
test #Run tests.
test-checkpep8 #Check python code style.
test-tdd #Watch for changes to run tests automatically.
test-tox #Run tests using a new virtualenv.
- Clone example engine from repository
git clone
- Generate a new marvin engine environment for Iris species engine
workon python-toolbox-env
marvin engine-generateenv ../engines/iris-species-engine/
- Run the Iris species engine
workon iris-species-engine-env
marvin engine-dryrun
Marvin is a project started at B2W Digital offices and released open source on September 2017.