I've created and uploaded a Java Swing example of Enguage library to opt/swing. To build this, type:
git clone https://github.com/martinwheatman/enguage.git
or do a 'git pull' on your existing repo.
Then, inside the repo, type:
make swing
This will make a simple command in bin/swing which runs the example code, the source code is in opt/swing . To clear up the repo you can type:
make clean
If you have problems with this, you can manually create and run the example with (assuming you have created the enguage.jar file):
make jar
javac opt/swing/EnguagePanel.java
java -cp .:lib/enguage.jar opt.swing.EnguagePanel
I've also uploaded an example video to https://www.academia.edu/video/k77Qmk