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Interacts with cocktails API

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Using the API


Once logged in successfully, a token will return. In each request, use the x-access-token header with the token provided by login to successfully make a request

The following endpoints are available

Endpoints Request Body Params Query Params
GET /cocktails name - [String] filter by name of the cocktail

ing_list - [comma seperated Ints] a list of ingredients that you want to request cocktails for. Please note that if you provide the ID for "Gin," for example, "Gin and Tonic" will not be returned becasue you need to provide ALL ingredients. This can be altered with the will_shop param

will_shop - ["true" or "false"] in conjunction with the ing_list param, returns a list of cocktails that match some ingredients passed. So "Gin and Tonic" will return if you pass the ID for "Gin" in the ing_list param and this param is set to "true"

page what page you want - will return list of 25 results
GET /cocktail/:id
POST /cocktails name - [String] The name of the cocktail
glass - [String] What glass is the cocktail served in?
finish - ["shaken" or "stirred" or null] Self-explanatory
Ingredients - [Array of Objects] Each object must contain the following keys
  • id - [Int] the id of the ingredient
  • ounces - [Float] how many ounces does this ingredient use?
  • step - [Int] what step does this ingredient come in the cocktail recipie?
  • action - [String] what action do you perform with this ingredient? Examples include "muddle", "add", "squeeze"
PUT /cocktails/:id Same as POST /cocktails
DELETE /cocktails/:id
GET /ingredients name - [String] filter ingredients list by name

page what page you want - will return list of 25 results
GET /ingredients/:id
POST /ingredients name - [String] name of the ingredient
ing_type - [string] What type of ingredient is this? Examples include "liquor", "fruit", "juice"
PUT /ingredients/:id same as POST /ingredients
DELETE /ingredients/:id
GET /users name - [String] filter by name of the cocktail

page what page you want - will return list of 25 results
GET /users/:public_id
POST /users name - [String] username
password - [String] user password
DELETE /users/:public_id
PUT /users/:pub_id cocktails - [List of Ints] array of ints that match with the cocktails this user wants to favorite
PUT /users/:public_id/promote
GET /login Basic Authentication - gives you an auth token that lasts 30 minutes


React app that connects to cocktails-api






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