Beihang university
- beijing
(UTC -12:00) - www.buaa.edu.cn
Lists (1)
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Dataset of Airfoil Aerodynamic and Geometric Coefficients
CEASIOMpy is a Python conceptual aircraft design environment
Hugging StableDiffusion, Hugging Future.
Simulate missile guidance with a Kalman filter and an IR sensor in MATLAB. Achieve 3D visualization and animation for dynamic target tracking, providing insights into missile trajectory and interce…
Based on the 1976 USAF STABILITY AND CONTROL DIGITAL DATCOM PROGRAM, the tool is designed to provide a simpler AND more convenient form input with 3d mapping AND aerodynamic characteristics output.
Collect some World Models for Autonomous Driving papers.
A curated list of visual reinforcement learning resources
Massively Parallel Deep Reinforcement Learning. 🔥
An environment based on JSBSIM aimed at one-to-one close air combat.
A reinforcement learning environment for aircraft control using the JSBSim flight dynamics model
Fixed Wing Flight Simulation Environment for Reinforcement Learning
Combines JSBSim and Airsim with a python module to simulate a fixedwing
A Gym environment for navigation with an F-16 model simulated in JSBSim.
An JSBSim environment for reinforcement learning, original from https://github.com/Gor-Ren/gym-jsbsim
Paper list of multi-agent reinforcement learning (MARL)
Toy Gaussian Splatting visualization in Unity
This repository contains implementations and illustrative code to accompany DeepMind publications
Links to works on deep learning algorithms for physics problems, TUM-I15 and beyond
Modified Meshgraphnets with more features
In this repository, you will find the different python scripts to train the available models on the 2D incompressible steady-state RAND solutions over NACA airfoils proposed at the Geometrical and …
Tools to Design or Visualize Architecture of Neural Network
This is the source code for our paper "Towards high-accuracy deep learning inference of compressible turbulent flows over aerofoils"