The PowerShell script (deploy.ps1) initiates the deployment of the ARM templates (azuredeploy.json, and nested/vnet.json) to create an environment with 2 domain controllers and 2+ member servers. It first determines the clients' public IP (by calling to allow only that IP address in the NSG attached to the subnet. If it fails to determine the public IP, it will allow
The AD domain creation, adding the member servers to the domain, and the creation a few test users is handeled by the DSC component (/dsc/dsc.ps1, "compiled" as /dsc/
The resources created by the script and templates are:
- Public IP address
- Network security group with one rule (allow inbound RDP)
- Virtual Network with one subnet
- Availability set (for the two domain controllers)
- 2 virtual machines for the domain controllers (default names: dc1, dc2)
- 2+ virtual machines for the member servers (default names: srv1, srv2)