- Add back main workaround for moduleResolution: node #11 (@rosskevin)
- Kevin Ross (@rosskevin)
- Merge pull request #10 - Update dependencies, remove non-working CJS artifact #10 (@rosskevin)
- Kevin Ross (@rosskevin)
- Update build config #7 (@rosskevin)
- Kevin Ross (@rosskevin)
- Limit marked terminal output to log level info (@rosskevin)
- update hmr note (@rosskevin)
- Kevin Ross (@rosskevin)
- Add basic hot module reloading (hmr) #3 (@rosskevin)
- Kevin Ross (@rosskevin)
- 1.0.0 Release #1 (@rosskevin)
- Kevin Ross (@rosskevin)
- enable GH_TOKEN in workflow (@rosskevin)
- ncu and switch to concurrent testing (@rosskevin)
- and I don’t need gh token here (@rosskevin)
- initialize auto (@rosskevin)
- oops, I do need the github token after all. (@rosskevin)
- Remove the need for the GITHUB_TOKEN, update actions versions (@rosskevin)
- lint and cleanup build process (@rosskevin)
- code complete as a plugin (@rosskevin)
- initial code refactoring (@rosskevin)
- initial reorg/seed for vite (@rosskevin)
- Kevin Ross (@rosskevin)