The Fleet front-end is a Single Page Application using React with Typescript and Hooks.
For details instruction on building and serving the Fleet web application consult the Contributing documentation.
Storybook is a tool to document and visualize components, and we
use it to capture our global components used across Fleet. Storybook is key when developing new
features and testing components before release. It runs a separate server exposed on port 6006
To run this server, do the following:
- Go to your root fleet project directory
- Run
make deps
- Run
yarn storybook
The URL localhost:6006
should automatically show in your browser. If not, visit it manually.
As mentioned, there are two key times Storybook should be used:
- When building new features
As we create new features, we re-use Fleet components often. Running Storybook before implementing new UI elements can clarify if new components need to be created or already exist. This helps us avoid duplicating code.
- Testing components
After creating a component, create a new file, component.stories.tsx
, within its directory. Then,
fill it with the appropriate Storybook code to create a new Storybook entry. You will be able to visualize
the component within Storybook to determine if it looks and behaves as expected.
Component directories in the Fleet front-end application encapsulate the entire component, including files for the component and its styles. The typical directory structure for a component is as follows:
└── ComponentName
├── _styles.scss
├── ComponentName.tsx
├── index.ts
: The component css stylesComponentName.tsx
: The React componentindex.ts
: Exports the React component- This file is helpful as it allows other components to import the component
by it's directory name. Without this file the component name would have to
be duplicated during imports (
- This file is helpful as it allows other components to import the component
by it's directory name. Without this file the component name would have to
be duplicated during imports (
The app_constants directory exports the constants used in the app. Examples include the app's URL paths, settings, and http statuses. When building features that require constants, the constants should be added here for accessibility throughout the application.
The component directory contains the React components rendered by pages. They are typically not connected to the redux state but receive props from their parent components to render data and handle user interactions.
The context directory contains the React Context API pattern for various entities.
Only entities that are needed across the app has a global context. For example,
the logged in user (currentUser
) has multiple pages and components
where its information is pulled.
Files in the interfaces directory are used to specify the Typescript interface for a reusable Fleet entity. This is designed to DRY up the code and increase re-usability. These interfaces are imported in to component files and implemented when defining the component's props.
Additionally, local interfaces are used for props of local components.
The Fleet application has only 1 layout, the Core Layout. The Layout is rendered from the router and are used to set up the general app UI (header, sidebar) and render child components. The child components rendered by the layout are typically page components.
Page components are React components typically rendered from the router.
React Router passed props to these pages in case they are needed. Examples include
the router
, location
, and params
The router directory is where the react router lives. The router decides which
component will render at a given URL. Components rendered from the router are
typically located in the pages directory. The router directory also holds a paths
file which holds the application paths as string constants for reference
throughout the app. These paths are typically referenced from the App
Constants object.
CRUD functions for all Fleet entities (e.g. query
) that link directly to the Fleet API.
The styles directory contains the general app style setup and variables. It includes variables for the app color hex codes, fonts (families, weights and sizes), and padding.
The templates directory contains the HTML file that renders the React application via including the bundle.js
and bundle.css
files. The HTML page also includes the HTML element in which the React application is mounted.
The utilities directory contains re-usable functions and constants for use throughout the application. The functions include helpers to convert an array of objects to CSV, debounce functions to prevent multiple form submissions, format API errors, etc.
These directories and files are still used (as of 9/14/21) but are being replaced by newer code:
- fleet; now using services
- redux; now using services, local states, and various entities directly (e.g. React Router)
- Form.jsx Higher Order Component; now creating forms with local states with React Hooks (i.e.
To view the deprecated documentation, click here.
All Javascript and React files use Typescript, meaning the extensions are .ts
and .tsx
. Here are the guidelines on how we type at Fleet:
Use global entity interfaces when interfaces are used multiple times across the app
Use local interfaces when typing entities limited to the specific page or component
Local interfaces for page and component props
// page interface IPageProps { prop1: string; prop2: number; ... } // Note: Destructure props in page/component signature const PageOrComponent = ({ prop1, prop2, }: IPageProps) => { return ( // ... ); };
Local states
const [item, setItem] = useState<string>("");
- Fetch function signatures (i.e.
useQuery<IHostResponse, Error, IHost>(params)
- Custom functions, including callbacks
const functionWithTableName = (tableName: string): boolean => {
// do something
Hooks are used to track state and use other features of React. Hooks are only allowed in functional components, which are created like so:
import React, { useState, useEffect } from "React";
const PageOrComponent = (props) => {
const [item, setItem] = useState<string>("");
// runs only on first mount (replaces componentDidMount)
useEffect(() => {
// do something
}, []);
// runs only when `item` changes (replaces componentDidUpdate)
useEffect(() => {
// do something
}, [item]);
return (
// ...
Note: Other hooks are available per React's documentation.
React context is a store similar to Redux. It stores data that is desired and allows for retrieval of that data in whatever component is in need. View currently working contexts in the context directory.
Redux was used to make API calls, along with the fleet directory.
The services directory stores all API calls and is to be used in two ways:
- A direct
assignment - Using
if requirements call for loading data right away or based on dependencies.
Examples below:
Direct assignment
// page
import ...
import queriesAPI from "services/entities/queries";
const PageOrComponent = (props) => {
const doSomething = async () => {
try {
const response = await queriesAPI.load(param);
// do something
} catch(error) {
// maybe trigger renderFlash
return (
// ...
React Query
(docs here) is a data-fetching library that
gives us the ability to fetch, cache, sync and update data with a myriad of options and properties.
import ...
import { useQuery, useMutation } from "react-query";
import queriesAPI from "services/entities/queries";
const PageOrComponent = (props) => {
// retrieve the query based on page/component load
// and dependencies for when to refetch
const {
} = useQuery<IResponse, Error, IData>(
() => queriesAPI.load(param),
// `props` is a bucket of properties that can be used when
// updating data. for example, if you need to know whether
// a mutation is loading, there is a prop for that.
const { ...props } = useMutation((formData: IForm) =>
return (
// ...
Redux was used to manage redirecting to different pages of the app.
We use React Router directly to navigate between pages. For page components,
React Router (v3) supplies a router
prop that can be easily accessed.
When needed, the router
object contains a push
function that redirects
a user to whatever page desired. For example:
// page
import PATHS from "router/paths";
import { InjectedRouter } from "react-router/lib/Router";
interface IPageProps {
router: InjectedRouter; // v3
const PageOrComponent = ({
}: IPageProps) => {
const doSomething = () => {
return (
// ...
Local states
Our first line of defense for state management is local states (i.e. useState
). We
use local states to keep pages/components separate from one another and easy to
maintain. If states need to be passed to direct children, then prop-drilling should
suffice as long as we do not go more than two levels deep. Otherwise, if states need
to be used across multiple unrelated components or 3+ levels from a parent,
then the app's context should be used.
File size
The recommend line limit per page/component is 500 lines. This is only a recommendation. Larger files are to be split into multiple files if possible.