##1.2.8 Fixed #138 #133 #114 #130 #128 fixed progress end for ie8
##1.2.7 Fixed #122 Added request headers to the demo page
##1.2.6 Fixed bower main js files
##1.2.5 Fixed #109 Angular 1.2.8 Data returned in success callback is null/undefined
##1.2.4 Fixed #100 Custom names when uploading multiple files
##1.2.3 fixed #90
##1.2.2 fixed #89
##1.2.1 Fixed progress event for older angular version < 1.2.0
##1.2.0 Fixed #88 #87 Added $upload.http service method to be able to send a normal POST/PUT and listen to progress event. File binary content can be send as data to the server like this.
##1.1.11 Added support for multiple files upload with the same call for HTML5 only browsers. Fixed #69
Fixed #68 #70 #65 #62 #64 #58
Directory structure changes and adding Grunt to build. Fixed #57
Fixed #54
Fixed #51
Fixed #50 firefox progress event not firing at the end.
Fixed #46 #40 #38, moved demo to a separate folder
Fixed #38 #40
Fixed #37 #39
upload.abort() to cancel the upload in progress. issue #34 issue #35 issue #36
Fixed progress bar to work with the latest angular 1.2.0-rc.3. Added fileFormDataName to set the name of the Content-Disposition formData. You can now upload the same file twice: pull request #27
upload is now done with regular angular $http.post for HTML5 browsers so all angular $http features are available. Added $upload as an angular service. All the code for non HTML5 browsers and upload progress are moved to a separate shim file, the actual directive just uses html5 code. So if you only suppost HTML5 browsers you don't need to load shim js file. angular-file-upload-shim.js needs to be loaded before angular.js if you need to support upload progress or browsers not supporting HTML5 FormData. progress event is part of the upload config params instead of promise call.
- Added fileFormDataName to config to be able to set the Content-Disposition formData name for the uploaded file
- file upload progress support
- file drag and drop support