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OpenShift Origin Administrative Console

Deployment and use of the Administrative Console is documented in the Administration Guide.

Developing / Contributing

We expect code contributions to follow these standards:

  1. Ensure code matches the GitHub Ruby styleguide, except where the file establishes a different standard.
  2. Ensure CSS and HTML match the Bootstrap styleguide, except where explicitly identified differently.
  3. We use Test::Unit with Rails extensions for all our test cases.
  4. We try to maintain 100% line coverage of all newly added model and controller code via testing. Coverage reports are generated if you have the simplecov gem installed after tests execute via bundle exec rake test.

Once you've made your changes:

  1. Fork the code
  2. Create a topic branch - git checkout -b my_branch
  3. Push to your branch - git push origin my_branch
  4. Create a Pull Request from your branch
  5. That's it!

For more details about the console visit the OpenShift Origin open source community page.

Please stop by #openshift on if you have any questions or comments. For more information about OpenShift, visit or the OpenShift support page