- JDK 1.8+ (Ensure that the Java class path is properly set)
- Maven (Ensure that the .m2 class path is properly set)
- IntelliJ IDEA
- Required IntelliJ Plugins:
- Maven
To set up the framework, you can either fork or clone the repository from here or download the ZIP file and set it up in your local workspace.
Open the terminal in the folder where the pom.xml file is located and run the command mvn test -Pprofile_name -Dbrowser=browser_name
We have three profiles:
- ErrorValidation
- SubmitOrder
- Regression Test can be run in three browsers:
- chrome
- chromeheadless -> is chrome browser without a graphical user interface
- firefox
Example command for running regression tests in chrome browser mvn test -PRegression -Dbrowser=chrome
A Cucumber example with feature and stepDefinition files is also written. Cucumber tests are run with this command ** mvn test -PCucumberTests -Dbrowser=chrome**
After the execution of tests index.html report is generated in the "reports" folder. index.xml report contains screenshots of tests that failed.
If a test has failed, it will be automatically started again, and the first execution of that test will have the status of skipped