List of Software and Tools used
- MacBook Pro Retina, 13-inch, Late 2013
- 2.8 GHz Intel Core i7
- 16 GB 1600 MHz DDR3
- Intel Iris Graphics
- Display - 13-inch (3360 x 2100)
- 1 TB SSD
I have used Chrome for the past few years. Recently it has been using more resources and seemingly slowing down a bit. On a laptop this causes more battery drain. Apple has put quite a bit of effort into making Safari more energy efficient since the release of OS X Mavericks so I try to use Safari more and more.
Alfred (pending removal: this has been Sherlocked in OS X Yosemite)
This has been built into Spotlight for the Yosemite OS X release. I'll review it this Fall to see if it can replace Alfred.
Lastpass was the first password manager that I used. It has worked well for me, but I thought I would try out 1Password since they have a native Mac app.
1Password does offer sync through Dropbox, iCloud or folder syncing. With folder syncing you can keep your vault off any third party servers.
I may switch to 1Password since they do offer more control over sync.
Currently I am using both Dropbox and Google Drive for file syncronization across multiple devices.
Crashplan is the service I use for offsite backup. They have an unlimited family plan that I am currently using for my multiple computers.
- Crashplan
- homebrew The missing package manager for OS X.
Cakebrew is a GUI for homebrew. I haven't tried it yet, but put it here so I remember to try it at some point.
- Prepo
- create app icons for all sizes needed. Supports @1x, @2x, and @3x
- iOS Console
- nice way to view iOS console for connected devices
There are two main applications available Spark Inspector and Reveal App. Currently I use Spark Inspector.
- Spark Inspector
- debugs Notifications as well as UI.
- Reveal App
Sublime Text is my preffered text editor. VSCode is making progress, especially with its built in Node debugging. No other text editors can match Sublime Text's multiple cursors.
- Sublime Text -
- Visual Studio Code -
- Atom -
- Ruby environment mangement rbenv
I use git for all my version control.
Source tree is my primary Git GUI that I use. It works very well on the Mac, but it does not perform well on Windows. Another option Tower has release version 2. I am keeping on eye on that one, but for now Sourcetree works well for me.
Charles Proxy
- An http proxy debug tool
Adapts color of your display to the time of day. This helps out when coding late into the evenings! They even have a link to some research if you are skeptical.
- Keyboard Maestro
- Macros
- this is handy for entering serial numbers or passwords into application that disabled pasting text (OS X does this when trying to decrypt a disk with a key (password)
- Macros
- iStat Menu Meters
- (Go2Shell - Alice Dev Team)
- Bartender
- hide unnecessary menu bar items - clean up that clutter!
- XtraFinder
- Dropzone 3
DaisyDisk $9.99 Mac App Store
- These programs allow you to view where all of your hard drive space is being used. It scans your hard drive and gives a nice visual representation of your hard drive space usage.
XtraFinder adds nice little features to the Finder app.
- Arrange folders on top
- Cut & Paste
- "Copy Path", "Refresh", "New File"
My XtraFinder preferences: XtraFinder-Preferences.plist
Quick Look Plugins
- Cocoa Packet Analyzer is a native OS X implementation of a network protocol analyzer and packet sniffer.