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Deploy static site to AWS (S3+CDN+R53)

v0.2.3 Latest version

Deploy static site to AWS (S3+CDN+R53)


Deploy static site to AWS (S3+CDN+R53)

Deploy a website to an S3 bucket. Option to add Cloudfront, and deploy to a Route53 managed domain with certs


Copy and paste the following snippet into your .yml file.


- name: Deploy static site to AWS (S3+CDN+R53)

uses: bitovi/github-actions-deploy-static-site-to-aws@v0.2.3

Learn more about this action in bitovi/github-actions-deploy-static-site-to-aws

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Deploy static site to AWS (S3+CDN+R53)

GitHub action to deploy anything into a bucket, adding the options to add a CDN and use a Domain (if hosted in Route53) with certificates.

This action will copy the files from the defined folder into an S3 bucket, defining the content type and serving ALL OF THEM PUBLICLY. alt

Action main options graph

graph TD;
    A[S3 Bucket] --> B[S3 Endpoint]
    A -->|DNS| C[Direct S3 DNS] --> G[- No SSL\n- 63 chars FQDN limit]
    A -->|CDN| D[CDN Public URL] --> H[- SSL\n- CND URL]
    A -->|CDN + DNS| E[Public FQDN] --> I[- Owned SSL cert\n- Unlimited FQDN length]


  1. Files to publish
  2. An AWS Account
  3. If domain and cert wanted, registered domain in AWS.

1. Files to publish

Will grab everything defined in aws_site_source_folder and push it to a bucket.

Define aws_site_root_object if different than index.html.

2. An AWS account

You'll need Access Keys from an AWS account

3. CERTIFICATES - Only for AWS Managed domains with Route53

If aws_r53_domain_name is defined, we will look up for a certificate with the name of that domain (eg. We expect that certificate to contain both and *

Setting aws_r53_create_root_cert to true will create this certificate with both and * for you, and validate them. (DNS validation).

Setting aws_r53_create_sub_cert to true will create a certificate just for the subdomain, and validate it.

✅ If using aws_r53_create_sub_cert the total length of the FQDN cannot exceed 64 characters. Use aws_r53_create_root_cert or specify one by setting aws_r53_cert_arn.

⚠️ Be very careful here! Created certificates are fully managed by Terraform. Therefor they will be destroyed upon stack destruction.

Example usage

Create .github/workflow/deploy.yaml with the following to build on push.

Example usage

name: Basic deploy
    branches: [ main ]

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest

    - name: Create deploy-bucket
      uses: bitovi/github-actions-deploy-static-site-to-aws@v0.2.3
        aws_access_key_id: ${{ secrets.AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID }}
        aws_secret_access_key: ${{ secrets.AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY }}
        aws_default_region: us-east-1

        tf_action: 'apply'
        tf_state_bucket_destroy: true # If destroying, will remove the bucket
        aws_site_cdn_enabled: true
        #aws_site_error_document: error.html # Optional error file
        aws_r53_domain_name: # You should own and have this domain available in R53
        aws_r53_sub_domain_name: site
        aws_r53_create_sub_cert: true # Will create and validate a cert for this sub-domain

Advanced example

name: Basic deploy
    branches: [ main ]

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - name: Create deploy-bucket
        uses: bitovi/github-actions-deploy-static-site-to-aws@v0.2.3
          aws_access_key_id: ${{ secrets.AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID }}
          aws_secret_access_key: ${{ secrets.AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY }}
          aws_default_region: us-east-1

          aws_site_source_folder: packages/catalog/dist
          tf_state_file_name_append: catalog

          tf_action: 'apply'
          tf_state_bucket: 'some-custom-bucket'
          tf_state_bucket_destroy: true

          aws_site_cdn_enabled: true
          aws_site_cdn_custom_error_codes: '[{\"error_caching_min_ttl\":\"0\",\"error_code\":\"403\",\"response_code\":\"200\",\"response_page_path\":\"/index.html\"},{\"error_caching_min_ttl\":\"0\",\"error_code\":\"404\",\"response_code\":\"404\",\"response_page_path\":\"/custom_404.html\"}]'

          aws_r53_sub_domain_name: catalog-mfe
          aws_r53_create_sub_cert: true

          aws_site_bucket_name: catalog-mfe

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - name: Create deploy-bucket
        uses: bitovi/github-actions-deploy-static-site-to-aws@v0.2.3
          aws_access_key_id: ${{ secrets.AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID }}
          aws_secret_access_key: ${{ secrets.AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY }}
          aws_default_region: us-east-1

          checkout: false
          aws_site_source_folder: packages/marketing/dist
          tf_state_file_name_append: marketing

          tf_action: 'apply'
          tf_state_bucket: 'some-custom-bucket'
          tf_state_bucket_destroy: true

          aws_site_cdn_enabled: true
          aws_site_cdn_custom_error_codes: '[{\"error_caching_min_ttl\":\"0\",\"error_code\":\"403\",\"response_code\":\"200\",\"response_page_path\":\"/index.html\"},{\"error_caching_min_ttl\":\"0\",\"error_code\":\"404\",\"response_code\":\"404\",\"response_page_path\":\"/custom_404.html\"}]'

          aws_r53_sub_domain_name: marketing-mfe
          aws_r53_create_sub_cert: true

          aws_site_bucket_name: marketing-mfe



  1. Action defaults
  2. AWS
  3. Terraform options
  4. SITE Settings
  5. Certificate

The following inputs can be used as step.with keys

Action defaults Inputs

Name Type Description
checkout Boolean Set to false if the code is already checked out. (Default is true).

AWS Inputs

Name Type Description
aws_access_key_id String AWS access key ID
aws_secret_access_key String AWS secret access key
aws_default_region String AWS default region. Defaults to us-east-1
aws_role_to_assume String AWS Role to assume. Default is empty.
aws_resource_identifier String Set to override the AWS resource identifier for the deployment. Defaults to ${GITHUB_ORG_NAME}-${GITHUB_REPO_NAME}-${GITHUB_BRANCH_NAME}. Use with destroy to destroy specific resources.
additional_tags JSON Add additional tags to the terraform default tags, any tags put here will be added to all provisioned resources.

Terraform options inputs

Name Type Description
tf_action String Option to run Terraform apply / destroy action. Will run plan if nothing defined.
tf_state_file_name String Change this to be anything you want to. Careful to be consistent here. A missing file could trigger recreation, or stepping over destruction of non-defined objects. Defaults to tf-state-site.
tf_state_file_name_append String Appends a string to the tf-state-file. Setting this to unique will generate tf-state-aws-unique. (Can co-exist with tf_state_file_name)
tf_state_bucket String AWS S3 bucket name to use for Terraform state. Defaults to ${org}-${repo}-{branch}-tf-state
tf_state_bucket_destroy Boolean Force purge and deletion of S3 bucket defined if terraform destroy action succeded.

Site Settings inputs

Name Type Description
aws_site_source_folder String Source folder for files to be published. Will ignore any hidden file. Defaults to root folder of the calling repo if nothing defined.
aws_site_root_object String Root object to be served as entry-point. Defaults to index.html.
aws_site_error_document String Error document set to S3 website config. Defaults to none. Set value to enable it.
aws_site_bucket_name String AWS S3 bucket name to use for the public files. Defaults to ${org}-${repo}-{branch}-sp. If using a R53 domain and not a CDN, bucket name will be the FQDN one. See note.
aws_site_cdn_enabled Boolean Enable or disables the use of CDN. Defaults to false.
aws_site_cdn_custom_error_codes JSON Custom error codes to define in CDN. Like [{\"error_caching_min_ttl\":\"0\",\"error_code\":\"403\",\"response_code\":\"200\",\"response_page_path\":\"/index.html\"}]. See this.

Certificate Inputs

Name Type Description
aws_r53_domain_name String Define the root domain name for the application. e.g.
aws_r53_sub_domain_name String Define the sub-domain part of the URL. Defaults to ${GITHUB_ORG_NAME}-${GITHUB_REPO_NAME}-${GITHUB_BRANCH_NAME}. If longer than 63, will use a shorter version.
aws_r53_root_domain_deploy Boolean Deploy application to root domain. Will create root and www records. Default is false.
aws_r53_cert_arn String Define the certificate ARN to use for the application.
aws_r53_create_root_cert Boolean Generates and manage the root cert for the application. Default is false.
aws_r53_create_sub_cert Boolean Generates and manage the sub-domain certificate for the application. Default is false.

Note about resource identifiers

Most resources will contain the tag ${GITHUB_ORG_NAME}-${GITHUB_REPO_NAME}-${GITHUB_BRANCH_NAME}, some of them, even the resource name after. We limit this to a 60 characters string because some AWS resources have a length limit and short it if needed.

We use the kubernetes style for this. For example, kubernetes -> k(# of characters)s -> k8s. And so you might see some compressions are made.

For some specific resources, we have a 32 characters limit. If the identifier length exceeds this number after compression, we remove the middle part and replace it for a hash made up from the string itself.

Note about bucket names

As a default, the bucket name will be ${GITHUB_ORG_NAME}-${GITHUB_REPO_NAME}-${GITHUB_BRANCH_NAME}-sp.

But, in the case you add a Route53 domain and no CDN, the bucket name must match the FQDN defined, like If setting aws_r53_root_domain_deploy, two buckets will be created. www.{aws_r53_domain_name}and {aws_r53_domain_name}. Traffic from www bucket will be forwarded to the main bucket. Because of this reason, the length of the FQDN MUST be below 64 characters. Will try using the provided FQDN, if none provided, fallback to resource-identifier.{aws_r53_domain_name} of the compressed one. IF it still exceeds the limit, will remove as many as needed.

⚠️ HTTPS (TLS / SSL) will only be available if using CDN.

In the case you are using domains and not using a CDN, no cert will be available, and length of the FQDN MUST be below 64 characters. Will be adjusted if it exceeds that limit.


We would love for you to contribute to bitovi/github-actions-deploy-static-site-to-aws. Would you like to see additional features? Create an issue or a Pull Requests. We love discussing solutions!


The scripts and documentation in this project are released under the MIT License.

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