Censys + Shodan = A Good Time :)
Shodan and Censys are two services that are known to provide a wealth of information about a specific target. This is a useful passive reconnaissance tool that leverages both of their APIs to grab useful network-related information about a target. Of course both of these APIs are capable of much more, however this is a fairly specific use case. As of now it retrieves the following without ever touching the actual network:
- IP addresses that were found to have an association with target
- open ports and protocols per IP (Saves some nmap time)
- os detection (if possible)
- geolocation of each IP
- hostnames and domains associated with IP
- related ISP
- banner grabbing (if possible)
- Hosting (Rackspace? Amazon?)
It's pretty useful because all of this information can be discovered, in about 15 seconds, by simply providing the target/organization name.
It should work on any Linux/Unix/OSX platform with python 2.7+ installed. You'll want to make sure the shodan python API is installed as well. More information found: [here].(https://shodan.readthedocs.io/en/latest/)
Also, you'll need to get API keys from both Censys and Shodan. Include these into the following appropriate fields.
Clone this repository && cd into project directory
git clone https://github.com/markclayton/csrecon-python
cd csrecon-python
Run the project
% python csrecon.py
usage: csrecon.py [-h] [-c] [-s] target
CSRecon - Censys and Shodan Reconnaisance Tool
positional arguments:
target specify a target company name
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-c, --censys only run the censys module
-s, --shodan only run the shodan module
or simply
chmod +x csrecon.py
- More to come. Feel free to contribute and improve upon.