This game uses JavaScript to loop through arrays, utlize proper methods, use regular expression, and fetch an API.
I added additional features - a scoring system, max length on the text input, removing the autocomplete, disabling the "Guess" button if the text field is empty, and media queries.
The game starts with a word on the screen. Circle symbols act as placeholders for each letter. Players start by entering a letter. If they guess correctly, the letter appears in the word. If they guess incorrectly, they learn how many guesses they have remaining. The player can also see which letters they’ve already guessed. The game lets the player know if they’ve already guessed a letter or entered a non-alphabetic character!
If the player guesses all the letters correctly before they use up their 8 allotted guesses, they win! A Play Again button appears at the end of the game to prompt the player to give it another try.
Play the Guess the Word Game here (good luck!):
Skillcrush, Break into Tech Blueprint
JavaScript Fundamentals - Project: Guess the Word Game