A re-implementation of Deep-Alignment-Network using TensorFlow
Tensorflow 1.5.0 (My version)
Python 3.6
Other commonly used libs for image processing
Dataset formatted like 300-W and Menpo
mkdir Model
python training\testSetPreparation.py
python train\testDAN.py
Remember to set the STAGE
variable and modify the data path
in trainDAN.py
mkdir Model_mobilenet
python trainDAN_mobilenet.py
Remember to set the STAGE
variable and modify the data path
in trainDAN_mobilenet.py
MobileNet: Added on 2018-02-08
Original implementation: https://github.com/MarekKowalski/DeepAlignmentNetwork
Another tensorflow implementation: https://github.com/zjjMaiMai/Deep-Alignment-Network-A-convolutional-neural-network-for-robust-face-alignment
Note that I have no GPU in this period, so I'm not sure whether this implementation can achieve the same performance as the paper described. However, the functionality of the self defined layers has been tested and I found no problem. If you're interested, you can try my code and train a model. Feel free to raise an issue if you have any question.