Feature Learning for Accelerometer based Gait Recognition
Code repository of paper: Feature Learning for Accelerometer based Gait Recognition, submitted to ICANN 2020
[ZJU-GaitAcc] - http://www.ytzhang.net/datasets/zju-gaitacc/
- session 0 - 22 subjects
- session 1 - 153 subjects
- session2 - 153 subjects
[IDNet] - http://signet.dei.unipd.it/research/human-sensing/
- 50 subjects with various number of sessions
FRAME-based: length = 128 samples
- Cycle length statistics ZJU-GaitAcc: https://github.com/margitantal68/featuregait/blob/master/statistics/ZJUGaitAccel.png
- Based on statistics, gait cycles were normalized to 128 samples
- RAW - use raw accelerometer data as features - 3 x 128 = 384 (ax - ay - az)
- HANDCRAFTED - 59 ad-hoc statistical features (For details see: https://github.com/nemesszili/gaitgmm)
- UNSUPERVISED feature extraction - autoencoders
- DENSE autoencoder
- Fully Convolutional (FCN) autoencoder
- Time Convolutional (TimeCNN) autoencoder
- Random Forest - 100 trees
- Two protocols:
- SAME-DAY: using data from a single session - 10-fold CV - evaluated for session 1 and 2 separately (153 subjects)
- CROSS-DAY: training - session 1, testing - session 2
- Two protocols:
- SAME-DAY: using data from session 1 (train-validation-test: 60%-20%-20%)
- CROSS-DAY: training - session 1, testing - session 2
The code is divided as follows:
The rawfeatures.py contains the code for creating raw features
The handcrafted.py contains the code for extracting handcrafted features
The main.py python file contains the necessary code to run an experiment.
The util folder contains the following:
- const.py - constants and enumerations
- identification.py - identifications using various features
- load_data.py - various data loading and reshaping
- myplots.py - plots
- settings.py - different configurations for running an experiment
- statistics.py - cycle length statistics for ZJU-GaitAcc
The autoencoder folder contains the following:
- autoencoder_common.py - common functions used by different types of autoencoders
- autoencoder_dense.py - Dense (MLP) autoencoder model
- autoencoder_cnn.py - CNN autoencoder models (FCN, TimeCNN)
The notebooks folder contains two Jupyter notebooks:
- ZJU cycles.ipynb - end-to-end FCN and ResNet models - cycle based measurements
- ZJU frames.ipynb - end-to-end FCN and ResNet models - frame based measurements