AfterShip is a shipment tracking solution. It partners with over 900 carriers across the globe including popular services such as FedEx, DHL etc. This connector allows a user to track and receive notifications on shipments and integrate with other services such as Dynamics 365 and third party services to strengthen your ecommerce or streamline your internal business processes.
Sign-up free from to create an API key. For more information on creating the API keys are available from
Get a list of matched couriers based on tracking number format and selected couriers or a list of couriers.
Get a list of all couriers supported by AfterShip
Get a list of couriers activated at your AfterShip account.
Create a tracking on a shipment that you would like to track.
Update a shipment tracking with additional information such as titles, memos etc.
Get tracking results of multiple shipment trackings which you created.
Delete an existing shipment tracking.
Mark a tracking as completed. The tracking won't auto update until retrack it. You can mark it as either delivered, lost or returned to sender.
Retrack an expired tracking. Max 3 times per tracking.
Return the tracking information of the last checkpoint of a single tracking.
Add notification receivers to a tracking number.
Remove notification receivers from a tracking number.
Get contact information for the users to notify when the tracking changes. Note that only customer receivers will be returned. Any email, sms or webhook that belongs to the Store will not be returned.