prom2teams is an HTTP server built with Python that receives alert notifications from a previously configured Prometheus Alertmanager instance and forwards it to Microsoft Teams using defined connectors.
The application has been tested with Prometheus 1.7.1, Python 3.6.2 and pip 9.0.1.
Newer versions of Prometheus/Python/pip should work but could also present issues.
prom2teams is present on PyPI, so could be installed using pip3:
$ pip3 install prom2teams
# To start the server (a config file path must be provided, log file path, log level and Jinja2 template path are optional arguments):
$ prom2teams start --configpath <config file path> [--logfilepath <log file path>] [--loglevel (DEBUG|INFO|WARNING|ERROR|CRITICAL)] [--templatepath <Jinja2 template file path>]
# To show the help message:
$ prom2teams --help
Note: default log level is INFO. Messages are redirected to stdout if no log file path is provided.
The config file is an INI file and should have the structure described below:
[HTTP Server]
Host: <host ip> # default:
Port: <host port> # default: 8089
[Microsoft Teams]
Connector: <webhook url> # required value
The webhook receiver in Prometheus allows configuring a prom2teams server.
The url is formed by the host and port defined in the previous step.
# The prom2teams endpoint to send HTTP POST requests to.
prom2teams provides a default template built with Jinja2 to render messages in Microsoft Teams. This template could be overrided using the 'templatepath' argument ('--templatepath ') during the application start.
To run the test suite you should type the following:
# After cloning prom2 teams :)
$ python3 -m unittest discover tests
For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.
Additionaly you can see what change in each version in the file.
- Idealista - Work with - idealista
See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.
This project is licensed under the Apache 2.0 license - see the LICENSE file for details.
Please read for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.