All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. This project adheres to Semantic Versioning and Keep a changelog.
- #32 Set default value for "instance" in alerts @maglo
- #26 Able to handle multiple received alarms @jnogol
- #21 Made some JSON fields optional, avoiding later crashes @jnogol
- #23 Deleted redundant log message @jnogol
- #27 Automatic deploy to PyPi via Travis @jnogol
- #15 Allow to be installed under Python 3.5.x @dortegau
- #15 Fixing setuptools config and packaging (broken in versions 1.1.0 and 1.0.0) @dortegau
- #5 Allow to provide log file path and log level as arguments @dortegau
- #6 Allow to define previously declared default values as blank values in provided config @dortegau
- #8 Closing all file descriptors and adding some unit tests @dortegau
- #10 Capturing Keyboard Interrupt and logging server stop event @dortegau
- First release @jnogol @jmonterrubio @dortegau @juanriaza