Chrome Open Security Bugs dashboard, go/chrome-security-bugs.
Vulnerability Severity Guidelines.
You might also like the HOWTO: Be A Security Sheriff deck.
A security sheriff (as well as a security marshal) is a member of a rotation that occurs in 1-week time slots, starting on Tuesdays and ending the following Monday. All sheriffs and marshals are Googlers and so some links on this page might not be externally accessible (or indeed locked down to just Chrome Security Googlers).
Here is the rotation schedule.
Sheriffs and marshals ensure that all incoming security issues are triaged quickly and correctly. We aim to have every bug triaged and assigned within two business days (preferably one). This does not include weekends, but please ensure you leave a clear queue before the weekend (i.e. on Friday, unless there is a holiday) and check first thing after the weekend (i.e. on Monday morning, unless there is a holiday).
You should get a calendar invite. Please accept it to acknowledge. If you need to swap shifts, ask around for a volunteer and then just update the rotation sheet and wait 10 minutes for the calendar invites to be updated.
Each week has a sheriff and marshal, and during their rotation both have various important responsibilities:
- Look at every incoming security bug report on the dashboard. Ensure each is accurately triaged, and actively progressing towards getting fixed.
- Don't forget to fully triage the low severity bugs. Once a bug is labeled with
, it disappears from the first sheet and may slip under your radar. - Keep the Sheriff Handoff Log up to date.
- Shout for help if the incoming bug rate is too high (suggested vocal exercises). The first person to ask is the marshal.
- Make sure all new bug reports are triaged completely. That means no red cells on the top of the dashboard. Double-check that OS flags are set properly. For most of the bugs, typically more than one OS is affected, but the dashboard will not highlight it in red.
- Stay sharp, keep in shape (hand-stand pushups are standard for the sheriff), and remember you may be called upon during emergencies.
- Ensure that all incoming queries to the
lists get a reply (by someone; not necessarily the marshal themselves). See
for a dashboard.
- Note: external emails will always come in on security@chromium.org as chrome-security@google.com is a Google-only list, but both need to be triaged.
- When triaging an email to be handled off of the list, make sure to bcc: the list that it arrived on, so that other people including future marshals can see that it has been handled.
- Some of these emails are requests for inclusion of third party code. By the time you hand over to the next Marshal, please ensure these are either completed or have been acknowledged by some other owner. If not, you may need to do them yourself. Please see How to do Chrome Third-Party Security Reviews for hints.
- Change bugs status to Fixed for those that the developer forgets to close. Make sure to read bug comments where developer might point out that it needs more CLs, et c. Wait 24 hours before closing ClusterFuzz bugs, to give ClusterFuzz a chance to close it automatically.
- Look at the open security bug reports and check that progress is occurring. This does not apply to the new bug reports (these are handled by the sheriff), but does apply to the issues on the Low Severity Bugs page of the dashboard. The rule of thumb is if there is any red cell on the dashboard, it needs your attention.
- Stay sharp, keep in shape (finger exercises are standard for the marshal), and remember you may be called upon during emergencies.
Do as much as you can for the week to triage, shepherd, and wrap up open security bugs. What follows are the details of what that entails, but it practically means turning all the red cells in the dashboard to green. If you're ever stuck or in doubt, ask for help on #chrome-security! or the Chrome Security Chat.
- If the report is invalid, remove the Restrict-View-SecurityTeam label and mark it WontFix.
- If the report is a duplicate, mark it Duplicate. If the issue this is a duplicate of is public, remove the Restrict-View-SecurityTeam label.
- If the report is primarily a privacy issue, send it to the privacy team:
- Add the Privacy component so that it enters their triage queue.
- CC any security team members, including yourself, who may be interested in
the privacy issue.
- Change the Restrict-View-SecurityTeam label to Restrict-View-ChromePrivacy.
- Note that security team members don't automatically have privacy bug access, so this will probably make the issue inaccessible to you.
- If the report is asking about why something is or is not on the Safe
Browsing list:
- Assign it to zbutler@, who will triage it for the Safe Browsing team.
- Remove the Restrict-View-SecurityTeam label and add the Restrict-View-Google label.
- Change Type-Bug-Security label to Type-Bug.
- Add the Security component.
- See below for reporting URLs to SafeBrowsing.
- Assign it to zbutler@, who will triage it for the Safe Browsing team.
- If the report is a potentially valid bug but is not a security
- remove the Restrict-View-SecurityTeam label. If necessary, add one of
the other Restrict-View-? labels:
- Restrict-View-Google if this is a crash report.
- Restrict-View-EditIssue if the bug can be abused (e.g. denial of service)
- Change Type-Bug-Security label to Type-Bug (or whatever Type-? is appropriate).
- Add appropriate component or CCs to ensure it does get triaged.
- Add the Security component or the Team-Security-UX label if the security team should still track the issue (e.g. security features).
- remove the Restrict-View-SecurityTeam label. If necessary, add one of
the other Restrict-View-? labels:
- If the report doesn't have enough information, ask the reporter for more information, add the Needs-Feedback label and wait for 24 hours for a response.
- The security bug template asks reporters to attach files directly, not in zip or other archives, and not hosted at an external resource (e.g. Google Cloud Storage). If the report mentions an online demo hosted somewhere, make sure the reporters attach the source code for the demo as well.
- If the bug is a security bug, but is only applicable to Chrome OS:
- The Chrome OS Security team now has their own sheriffing rotation. To get bugs into their triage queue, just set OS to the single value of "Chrome". No other steps or labels are needed.
- If you need to ping or ask about Chrome OS bug, ask their current sheriff.
- If the report smells like a vulnerability, keep going.
Ideally, sheriffs should reproduce each bug before triaging, but being efficient is also important. It's fine to delegate reproducing bugs in the following cases:
- A bug comes from an automated infrastructure (such as ClusterFuzz or Vomit).
- A bug comes from a reporter with a solid track record of vulnerabilities (e.g. prolific external researchers or Google Project Zero team).
- A bug requires a particular device that you don't have available, or any other environment which you don't have ready but a potential code owner would have.
Mention explicitly in your comment that you didn't reproduce a bug before assigning it to someone else.
A few components have their own triage processes or points of contact who can help.
- V8 ClusterFuzz bugs can be assigned to the V8 ClusterFuzz Sheriff for triage. Note that V8 CHECK failure crashes can have security implications, so don't triage it yourself and instead assign it to V8 ClusterFuzz Sheriff. They can make an informed decision on whether it is a security vulnerability or not and whether it is safe to strip the security tags (Type=Bug-Security, Restrict-View-SecurityTeam).
- V8 non-ClusterFuzz bugs shouldn't be assigned to the V8 ClusterFuzz sheriff. Instead, Googlers should refer to the V8 security bug triage instructions for lists of component owners.
- Skia bugs can be assigned to hcm@chromium.org. Be careful while triaging these! The place where we're crashing isn't necessarily the place where the bug was introduced, so blame may be misleading. Skia fuzzing bugs can be assigned to kjlubick@chromium.org, as Skia is heavily fuzzed on OSS-Fuzz and some issues reported in Chromium are already known or even fixed upstream.
- URL spoofing issues, especially related to RTL or IDNs? See go/url-spoofs for a guide to triaging these.
Tips for reproducing bugs:
- For any sort of a crash, CHECK/DCHECK or memory safety problem use ClusterFuzz. As well as reproducing bugs, ClusterFuzz will help you with lots of subsequent bisection and labelling tasks.
- Assume that test cases may be malicious. You should only reproduce bugs on your local machine if you're completely certain that you understand 100% of the test case. If not, use a disposable virtual machine. If you're inside Google, a good way to do this is using Redshell.
- When you can't just build from a specific branch locally, check out https://dev.chromium.org/getting-involved/dev-channel or https://commondatastorage.googleapis.com/chromium-browser-asan/index.html for the latest release of a specific version.
- There are many tools available to help you reproduce various memory issues reliably. If you aren't already familiar with them, check out AddressSanitizer, MemorySanitizer, ThreadSanitizer, and UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer.
- If you run into issues with a reproducible ClusterFuzz test case (like missing symbols, or if anything else seems off), try uploading the test case again using a different job type with a more mature tool (e.g. ASan on Linux). It may give more complete information.
See the severity guidelines. If it's a critical vulnerability, act quick! We aim to get users patched in < 30 days. Remember that if something requires an unusual configuration or complicated user interaction, the severity rating should be lowered.
Bug chains are typically composed of several individual security bugs and should be split into a new bug for each potential fix required, so this allows each team to work on fixing their part of the chain. In cases like this, leave the main bug as the severity/priority of the full chain, and mark child bugs as being blockers of the parent bug each with their own separate severity. Each child bug can have its own priority. Examples of this in action are issue 352369 and issue 453937.
Even after initial triage, re-assess the severity while you're looking at a security bug update: does it have new information in the bug that could change the assessment? Be especially on the lookout for Highs that are really Criticals, and Lows that are really Mediums (make sure to account for process types and sandbox boundaries).
For V8 issues, it can be hard to identify the correct security severity.
Always set the severity to High unless there's strong evidence of an obvious
mitigation. Please add the Security_Needs_Attention-Severity
label alongside
the regular Security_Severity-*
label. If the bug is not exploitable, or is
mitigated, the V8 team will reduce the security severity (to avoid unnecessary
risk of merging the bug into stable branches).
Identify the earliest affected branch (stable, beta or head) and set either
, Security_Impact-Beta
or Security_Impact-Head
If you reproduced the bug with ClusterFuzz, it should do this on your behalf.
Step 4. Check other labels.
Much of Chrome's development and release process depends on bugs having the right labels and components. Labels and components are vitally important for merging the fix to the right releases, and ensuring reporters are credited correctly. They also help with metrics and visibility.
Labels to double-check (the first two should already be there if the bug was filed using the Security template):
- Restrict-View-SecurityTeam
- Type-Bug-Security
- If the reporter wants to remain anonymous or if the bug description or comments contain PII, add Restrict-View-SecurityEmbargo.
- Security_Severity - your responsibility as Sheriff.
- Security_Impact - your responsibility as Sheriff.
- reward_to - if the bug was filed internally on behalf of somebody external. This is also very important; please check.
You can expect Sheriffbot to fill in lots of other labels; for example,
the M-
label to indicate the target milestone. It's best to allow
Sheriffbot to add the rest, as its rules have congealed from years of
accumulated security wisdom. See
the Security Labels document for an explanation of what
the labels mean.
If you change anything, add a comment which explains any status changes. Severity, milestone, and priority assignment generally require explanatory text.
- Report suspected malicious URLs to SafeBrowsing:
- Public URL: https://support.google.com/websearch/contact/safe_browsing.
- Googlers: see instructions at go/safebrowsing-escalation
- Report suspected malicious file attachments to SafeBrowsing and VirusTotal.
- Make sure the report is properly forwarded when the vulnerability is in an upstream project, the OS, or some other dependency.
- For vulnerabilities in services Chrome uses (e.g. Omaha, Chrome Web Store, SafeBrowsing), make sure the affected team is informed and has access to the necessary bugs.
- Reproduce using iOS device or desktop Safari.
- Assign severity, impact, and component labels.
- Label ExternalDependency.
- Label Hotlist-WebKit. This label is monitored by Apple friends.
- File a security bug at bugs.webkit.org, and CC chrome-ios-security-bugs@google.com. This alias is monitored by the iOS Chrome team so they can be notified when the WebKit bug is fixed.
- Note the WebKit bug ID in the crbug report.
That owner can be you! Otherwise, this is one of the more grey areas of sheriffing. With experience, you'll figure out good goto people for certain areas. Until then, here are some tips.
Determine the correct component before continuing. It's not enough on its
own, but it's a good starting point. Many components will automatically apply
some CCs who may be able to help you out. If it's a crash bug, see if
ClusterFuzz is able to provide one (will appear in the same card as the culprit
CL). You can also use git hyper-blame
and check OWNERS files to see who might
own the relevant code.
For crashes, check to see if ClusterFuzz provides a culprit CL. Before you assign a bug based on this, do a quick sanity check to ensure the CL could have caused the bug. If the result seems wrong, apply the Test-Predator-Wrong label to the bug and keep going.
If you're able to narrow this to a specific regression range, usually from ClusterFuzz for crash bugs, do a quick pass over the git log to see if any CLs stand out. If you aren't sure, don't be afraid to add CCs to the bug and ask!
At this point, you'll probably need to dive in and attempt to root cause the bug, which is another complicated grey area that you'll figure out with experience. Try not to spend too much time on this for any given bug, as some cases will simply be too difficult without a deep understanding of certain portions of the codebase.
- If you can narrow the bug to a specific file or block of code, or if something
stands out as suspicious, try to assign an owner based on
git hyper-blame
or add some CCs based on OWNERS files. - If not, consider searching in the issue tracker for people that fixed similar
bugs or bugs in similar areas of the code base, such as issues with the same
components, recently. For example, let's say you were trying to figure out a
good person to assign a Content>Fonts issue. Look for
and query by when the issues were closed after (i.e. w/ in the last 30 days ==closed>today-30
Got stuck? Ask #chrome-security or someone from go/chrome-security-sheriff-mentors for help! That's why we're here. Don't be afraid to do this!
Make sure that the person you assign to handle a bug is not OOO. And, generally, explicitly CC more than one person on the bug, if possible, and preferably people from more than one geographic region. (See the OWNERS file(s) that affect(s) the relevant area of code.)
Sometimes, finding an owner isn't enough to ensure that a bug will get fixed. Check the stale bug list on the security dashboard and try resolve some of the problems that might be blocking these issues. If you get in touch with a bug owner off of the issue tracker, be sure to have them update the bug so that future sheriffs are aware of the status.
Q: Why isn’t setting the component alone good enough?
A: CCs are critical because just assigning to a component is ineffective because the component’s team cannot see the issues unless they have the Security View permissions.
If you find a vulnerability in a Permission API and need to use the Global Permissions Kill Switch, then follow the instructions
- For any Security_Severity-{Critical, High, Medium} bugs that Security_Impact-{Beta, Stable}, add Merge-Requested so that the fix gets merged into the next release. Exercise discretion according to security severity and risk associated with the bug fix; you can ask the patch author whether any risky code paths are affected. The actual merging and drafting of release notes is taken care of by the security release management role.
- Chrome's Vulnerability Rewards Program TPM adds the reward-topanel label by mass modification, but do label any bugs reported by a @chromium.org email that should be rewarded (e.g. "I'm filing this on behalf of" or the like).
Update the Sheriff Handoff Log.