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Your vote is significant

Below is a list of issues (or pull requests) in Selenium IDE, Firefox and third party software that complicate maintenance and progress of SeLite. They also restrict usability of Selenium IDE. Many of them were reported by other people, but they affect SeLite, too. Some of those defects and requests even have fixes proposed, but not accepted by the third party.

Only your vote will help to get attention of those third parties. Please, make the difference: Vote for these issues.

Your privacy is essential

If you vote for an issue, by default you will receive automated emails on changes to that issue. However, you can deactivate those notifications. Indeed, voting for an issue doesn't add your email address to any forums.

Where to vote

Quick links

Use the following links to register with third parties, disable email notifications (unless you want them), list the issues/pull requests and vote for them:

<script type="text/javascript"> function goToYourGitHubComments( repositoryUser, repositoryProject ) { var username=prompt('What is your GitHub username?'); if(username) { window.location= '' +escape(repositoryUser)+ '/' +escape(repositoryProject)+ '/issues?utf8=✓&q=open+commenter%3A' + escape(username); } } </script>
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your comments
Selenium GitHub (see below)✓&q=commenter%3A**your-github-user-name**
your comments
Selblocks GitHub Selblocks issues✓&q=commenter%3A**your-github-user-name**
your comments
Projects outside of GitHub
Mozilla Mozilla Mozilla registration Mozilla preferences Mozilla issues Mozilla votes
NetBeans NetBeans NetBeans registration NetBeans preferences NetBeans issues NetBeans votes
{: .table}

Please, vote even if an issue is closed (with comments like doesn't meet a 'feature bar'). Subscribe to XML RSS feed on these issues.

Selenium, SelBlocks (on GitHub)

Registration with GitHub is easy.

There is no voting for issues/pull requests on GitHub. Instead, add a thumbs up thumbs up{:height="25px" width="20px"} reaction. Watch out, however: reactions are per-comment. Choose an existing comment that supports fixing the problem rather than avoids it. (For reactions click at the smiley face near the top right corner of a comment.) Do not 'vote' by Star button at the top right corner. (It doesn't star the issue/pull request itself. Instead, it stars the whole repository.)

By default, you will get notifications for issues that you comment on. After you commented on an issue, you may want to unfollow it by 'Unsubscribe' button on the right. See also your notification settings and repositories that you are watching.

Mozilla and NetBeans

Mozilla and NetBeans also require you to register in order to vote. It takes a few steps, but it's important: those products have many more other issues and voters (when compared to Selenium), so we need many votes to expedite the issues. Register yourself at NetBeans registration and Mozilla registration. Submit those forms, then check your email inbox and confirm your registration by following a link that you'll receive.

To navigate to voting, you may need to expand 'Details' section. The actual voting is in two steps. Click at 'vote' right of Importance (for Mozilla) or right of Priority (for NetBeans). That takes you to a page with a checkbox next to Vote For This Bug. Activate the checkbox and submit by clicking at button Change My Votes near the bottom-left.

You can turn off any notifications at Mozilla preferences or NetBeans preferences > button Disable All Mail and then button Submit Changes at the bottom.

Detailed list of issues/pull requests

| Issue | Third party | Reason | | tree.inputField's type as autocomplete fails | Mozilla | Usable Clipboard And Indent | | Selenium IDE chrome/content/formats/html.js has an incorrect regex | Selenium | Reliable export/import | | Selenium IDE chrome/content/formats/html.js to preserve indented... | Selenium | Readable cases | | Support ECMAScript 6 Template Literals | Selenium | Compact scripts | | Base URL Should Allow Path | Selenium | Practicality and integration | | Refactor TestCase.debugContext to have a class on its own | Selenium | Stable API of [SelBlocks Global] | | Core extensions are loaded 2x - document this, or prevent it | Selenium | Robust core extensions | | verify* should show the diff | Selenium | Robust cases.
See [Exit Confirmation Checker] > Details | | Details of error reporting in user/plugin javascript | Selenium | Productive debugging | | IDE: alert() fails in a modified test case | Selenium | Reliable automation | | IDE: a subsequent call to open() fails with multiprocessed Firefox (e10s) | Selenium | Major Firefox Compatibility | | Selecting a command or executing a command/case/suite... | Selenium | Intuitive navigation | | Switching between Log/Reference/UI-element/Rollup to use native Firefox tabs | Selenium | Visual navigation | | XPath 2.0 | Mozilla | Robust cases.
(For now see supported functions.) | | expose EXSLT functions to DOM Level 3 XPath API | Mozilla | Using modern XPath in Javascript | | Breakpoint triggers on code that doesn't run... | Mozilla | Productive debugging | | Sidebars (history, bookmarks) should not have maximum width | Mozilla | GUI usability | | Allow sidebar to be selected and turned on/off independently | Mozilla | GUI usability | | Support for( var value of array ) {...} loop | NetBeans | Cleaner code | | ICU-based Intl.DateTimeFormat implementation... | Mozilla | Timestamps across timezones | | Add support for IANA time zone names to internationalization API | Mozilla | Timestamps across timezones | | Selblocks and SelBlocksGlobal | Selblocks | Joined effort | | Report user extension/plugin error stack | Selenium | Robust debugging | | safe_alert() fails at UI element startup in Selenium IDE | Selenium | Design of UI element locators | | UI element test cases should be run even after Selenium IDE startup | Selenium | Design of UI element locators | | Incorrect Error Reporting for Javascript 1.7 keywords | NetBeans | Simpler & robust code using 'const' keyword | | Allow search minidialog and highlighting for multiple tabs/windows... | NetBeans | Code navigation | | Code fold at indention level | NetBeans | Code navigation | | Highlight NaN, Infinity and undefined | NetBeans | Editing | | Show version awaiting review in detail page... | Mozilla | Distributing new versions
(Can't be voted on yet) | | Optionally wrap long lines in the debugger | Mozilla | Visual interface | | Don't collapse empty {} | NetBeans | Code navigation | | JavaScript editor uses camelCase navigation even when disabled | NetBeans | Code navigation | | <treechildren tooltip="_child"> doesn't work | Mozilla | Robust export/import | | Allow sidebars to be different widths | Mozilla | Flexible usage | | JavaScript Console reports exceptions as warnings when using "use strict" | Mozilla | Robust debugging | | "use strict"; violations only logged at LOG level from AddonManager.jsm | Mozilla | Productive debugging | | nsTreeView and TreeView.setCellText() is either badly... | Mozilla | Visual - SeLite Settings | | Tree documentation: setCellText and redrawing | Mozilla | Visual - SeLite Settings | | console reports syntax error for valid json fetched via jquery.ajax | Mozilla | Cleaner log in Browser Console | | Support loading BOMless UTF-8 text/plain files from file: URLs | Mozilla | Cleaner log in Browser Console | | Confusing text: Be careful with old versions!... | Mozilla | Clear download instructions
(Can't be voted on yet) | | Regex search in any folder tree with an empty file fails | NetBeans | Smooth customization | | Documentation and handling of Selenium.prototype.getXYZ functions... | Selenium | Reliable API | | Backslashes get reduced to half | Selenium | Usability | | Support compound selectors and complex selectors... | Mozilla | Flexible usage {: .table #issues}