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SeLite Commands (Components > Commands) provides several Selenese commands and related functionality.

Robust commands

Commands with name in form xxxRobust: typeRobust, clickRobust, selectRobust action the same as original commands xxx, but if the target doesn't exist, then they skip and they don't fail.

Random data

Commands with name in form xxxRandom: clickRandom, selectRandom, typeRandom, typeRandomEmail generate controlled random data. The commands enter (or select or click) a random value(or an option or a radio button) for a given field (of a specified type). Optionally, they can also store the entered/selected/clicked text/choice in a given Selenese variable, so that the [script] can use it later (e.g. to store it in [script] DB).

Those commands perform two functions

  • main purpose: click/select a random element (matching the given selector), or type random text (more below)
  • optionally, capture the value of that clicked/selected element, or capture the typed text, into a stored variable. That facilitates later stages (e.g. when you submit the form and load a view of the record, then you want can validate that the clicked/selected/typed data got submitted).

For that the commands have two parameters:

  • selectLocator (or radiosXPath or locator), required: a selector to match the set of elements, from which it chooses a random one
  • store or paramsOrStore (optional):
    • store is a name of stored variable, where the command saves the clicked/selected/typed value. It may include field or sub(sub-...)-field e.g. variableName.fieldName, variableName.fieldName.subfieldName...
    • paramsOrStore can be either
      • a string: a name of stored variable, just like store above
      • an object with one or multiple fields. Following examples use [SelBlocks Global] and its EnhancedSelenese to pass objects through =<>...<> notation.

typeRandomEmail co-operates with typeRandom. It types a random email address, based on a name already typed in another element.

For more details see its Selenese tests.

Timestamp-related commands

There are two sets of functionality that support TimeStamps. The first set defines commands (primary names): sleepUntilTimestampDistinctDownToMilliseconds, sleepUntilTimestampDistinctDownToSeconds, sleepUntilTimestampDistinctDownToMinutes. Each ensures that a timestamp from that moment will be unique, when compared to any timestamp created just before any previous or future call to the same command (or to a command with finer precision).

The second set defines functions isTimestampDownToMilliseconds, isTimestampDownToSeconds, isTimestampDownToMinutes, isTimestampDownToPrecision. You can't access those directly as commands in Selenium IDE. Instead, use commands like verifyTimestampDownToSeconds (see also {{navAutoGeneratedSeleneseCommands}}). Those serve to validate a displayed timestamp (identified by locator in target parameter) against a previously saved timestamp (passed in value parameter).

The second set also auto-generates commands like waitForTimestampDownToSeconds. However, do not use those commands because they could be misplaced with sleeUntilTimestampDistinctDownToSeconds. To prevent confusion, this subset of auto-generated commands (waitForTimestampDownToSeconds and similar) are handled specially: they fail. If you need to wait for a timestamp and to validate it, use a different waitFor... command (targeting the related element), and then verify or assert the timestamp (with e.g. assertTimestampDownToSeconds).

Basic usage

  • trigger a change
  • storeTimestampDownToSeconds (or similar - for the chosen precision)
  • sleepUntilTimestampDistinctDownToSeconds (or similar)
  • load a view
  • assertTimestampDownToSeconds (or verifyTimestampDownToSeconds) against the stored timestamp

Other commands

  • disableJavascript, enableJavascript: disable/enable Javascript for the web application that is being automated
  • indexBy - index objects
  • selectTopFrameAnd


For details see reference of those commands in Selenium IDE, online or locally at {{chromeUrl}} chrome://selite-extension-sequencer/content/selenese_reference.html?chrome://selite-commands/content/reference.xml.