This project shows how to use Azure SignalR, Microsoft Translator and Speech Services to build a real-time voice translation system for ASP.NET Core, Windows 10 and Xamarin.
Getting started
To use these applications, you must obtain the required Keys and Connection Strings from Azure Portal and insert the correct values in the configuration files, as describe later.
Create the required services on the Azure Portal
Create a new Azure SignalR Service. For best perfomance, choose a Location near you
Create a new Translator Text Service
Create a new Speech Service. For best perfomance, choose a Location near you
Configure the Web App
Go to the appsettings.json file and write the required information:
In the Azure:SignalR:ConnectionString property, specify the Connection String you can find in the Keys blade of the Azure SignalR Service
In the AppSettings:TranslatorSubscriptionKey property, speficy the key of the Translator Text Service (you can use either Key 1 or Key 2 available in the Keys blade of the Service)
Publish the Web App on an Azure App Service.
Configure the UWP app
Go to the Constants.cs file and write the required information:
In the ServerUrl field, specify the Url of the Web App on Azure with the /chat suffix, for example:
In the TranslatorSubscriptionKey field, speficy the key of the Translator Text Service (you can use either Key 1 or Key 2 available in the Keys blade of the Service)
In the SpeechRegion field, specify the value corresponding to the Azure Region in which you have created the Speech Service, using the Speeck SDK Parameters that you can find at Speech Service supported regions
In the SpeechSubscriptionKey field, speficy the key of the Speech Service (you can use either Key 1 or Key 2 available in the Keys blade of the Service)
Configure the Xamarin app
Go to the Constants.cs file and write the required information (the same as above).
The project is continuously evolving. We welcome contributions. Feel free to file issues and pull requests on the repo and we'll address them as we can.