The container includes a complete openembedded build environment.
sudo scripts/ <IMAGE_TAG>
sudo scripts/
sudo /usr/sbin/dhcrelay -d -i docker0 <DHCP_SERVER> -U <OUTGRESS_INTERFACE>
To add additional users at compilation time, modify EXTRA_USER_PARAMS in meta-thirtyd/conf/distro/thirtyd.conf, e.g:
usermod -p '\$1\$fN6waiIO$rnPtE1uOsCHnOoJ2cRBFZ/' root; \
useradd -p '\$1\$Nhj07r30\$lpZbyxQH4KFE2eXxbfj7V0' mguerri; \
To generate the hash of the password openssl can be used (dollar sign in the resulting has must be escaped):
openssl passwd -1 <PASSWORD>