Some of the work to improve the Task ecosystem is done by the community, be it installation methods or integrations with code editor. I (the author) am thankful for everyone that helps me to improve the overall experience.
@KROSF worked on a JSON Schema into this Gist, which later was made officially available by @Crandel at Further improvements are possible by opening pull requests changing this file. Some code editors, like Visual Studio Code, make use of Schema Store automatically.
Additionally, there's also some work done by @paulvarache in making an Visual Studio Code extension, which has its code here and is published here.
Some installation methods are maintained by third party:
- GitHub Actions by @arduino
- AUR by @kovetskiy
- Scoop
Also, thanks for all the code contributors, financial contributors, all those who reported bugs and answered questions.
If you know something that is missing in this document, please submit a pull request.