The goal of this project is to provide a desktop version of Loklak Wok Android. The origin of the project is a tweet by @Frank_gamefreak.
##How to compile and run
- import required lib by running
- compile with mvn clean install -Pexecutable-jar
- run artifact in target dircetory: java -jar wok-desktop-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-all-dependencies.jar
- stop program with ESC key
##To be done
- The code has been hacked and butchered and is some kind of Frankenstein. It needs cleanup.
- Font size is hardcoded. How ugly is that?
- It would be cool to have a project for code shared between Android and Desktop version.
- The only dependency which can not be resolved via Maven is loklakj. Wouldn't it be cool to change that?
- The used font does not seem to support Asian characters.
This is licensed under LGPL 2.1. The the file "DroidSansMono.ttf" (which is licensed by the Apache License, see That means, this is free software!