A Google Fusion Table PHP5 API + an ajax shell to use Fusion Table like a remote database.
The FTv1 class allow to perform all (?) the Fusion Tables commands, directly from you server. A complete example will be added shortly.
The Fusion Table Shell is a HTML shell thats allow to send the SQL commands directly on your Fusion Tables account, using it like a database server.
- Go to https://code.google.com/apis/console/, In Services activate the Fusion Tables API and in API Access create a api key (Button "Create new server key..." at the bottom of the page).
- Try
. It is show something? It works! See the Results tab and the Summary tab. - Create a new table:
CREATE TABLE 'My first table' (name STRING, age NUMBER)
. Copy the returned encid from Summary tab. - Look the structure of your new table:
DESCRIBE <encid>
- Insert some data like usual...
INSERT INTO <encid> (name, age) VALUES ('John', '34')
- Select the data
SELECT * FROM <encid> LIMIT 10
- Update the data
UPDATE <encid> SET age='35' WHERE name='John'
. You don't need to know first the Fusion Tables ROWID in this shell. - Delete from your table
DELETE FROM <encid> WHERE name='John'
- Drop your table:
DROP TABLE <encid>
The SQL documentation is already in the shell (tab SQL Reference).